Twitter simulation of fluids stirred by pointed paddles

Physics Magazine @PhysicsMagazine 8h Simulation videos illustrate how changing different parameters of the system alters how well two fluids mix together when stirred. (For the stirrers, tadpole and teeth shapes are best). Read the story by @astrogasparini. Replying to @PhysicsMagazine @PhysRevFluids and @astrogasparini Effectively Mixing Two Fluids at If only the simulations
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Tweet about levitated nanoparticle

Physical Review Letters  @PhysRevLett Jul 25 A trapped nanoparticle interacting with a laser provides a simple way to generate squeezed light which has an unusually low level of fluctuations. Letter: Letter: Focus: Extra-Stable Light Produced by Levitated Nanoparticle How long can the nanoparticle be monitored? Can you track it closely for
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Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy – Data link broken thru

Nanofocused x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy – Data link broken thru Fivos Perakis, I was reading your article and wanted to look at the data, but the link is broken.  And the DOI system form to report the error is also broken.  The DOI form appears but accepts no input. In the PDF: “The
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Comment on Planck Temperature Video

The Planck Temperature – Absolute Hot: What is the hottest temperature possible If you had a $Thank button, I would have sent you a donation to encourage you to keep going and work harder. You have the right kind of curiosity, but you need to keep digging and read harder papers. Tone down “strange”
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Facebook has no “share” or “tweet”

Lisa Sykes Wallace There seems to be no way to Tweet (share posts with link and short note) on Facebook that I can see. But I found Pichurro’s Mexican Grill on Facebook at Maybe you can post your picture on their Facebook page and write a short story to share with others who go
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Twitter to @InnovationPhysics @InnovationPhys You are too focused on topics suitable for single person dissertations and individual performance. Need to coordinate and encourage solutions to global issues and opportunities. Answer “Where does this apply?” and encourage open global sharing of models and data.

Comment on MegaAmpere to MegaGauss- Using laser fluctuations to measure gravitational potential turbulence

‪This intro added 10 Jul 2022 in update to “Solar System Gravimetry and Gravitational Engineering ” Comment on “MegaAmpere to MegaGauss” – Using laser fluctuations to measure gravitational potential turbulence To generate intense fields to control the motion of matter. To emulate gravitational acceleration so precisely there is almost no error in position or other
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Note on my Facebook page about gravitational energy density

For more than 50 years I have been trying to understand the gravitational potential. I used it for orbit determinations when I worked at my first job at the CIA, then later worked on a NASA project to determine the geopotential itself using satellite orbits and measurements to solve for the shape and properties of
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Comment on Comment – Supernova near the earth 2.5 M years ago

Where do the elements come from? Nucleosynthesis in stellar environments at Interesting. (“fe60” OR “al36”) “supernova” has 6170 entry points (Google, 26 Jun 2022) and fairly rich in particulars Interstellar 60 Fe on the Surface of the Moon at Limits on Supernova-Associated Fe 60 / Al 26 Nucleosynthesis Ratios from Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Measurements
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