Category: Electrokinetic Electrodynamic Field Methods

Approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles, by coordinated local changes in vacuum properties

We went through the equations together and laid out how vacuum properties can be modified to make practical devices. Then discussed some implications and pathways. Approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles, by coordinated local changes in vacuum properties Richard Collins said:  So approaching the speed of light with massive vehicles would entail pushing
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We need global open accessible collaborative projects to benefit all humans and AIs Comment: We need global open accessible collaborative projects to benefit all humans and AIs Rick,  So you use lots of them and give them lots of energy. The photons of visible, infrared and ultraviolet light are only a few electron volts of energy and not a lot of momentum, but the intensities now are
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Magnetic Levitation by Rotation Magnetic Levitation by Rotation Magnetic Levitation by Rotation (2003) Magnetic Levitation by Rototation When magnetic dipole align north. If the are laid next to each other NS and SN that makes a strong bond. For electrond and protons, protons and protons, protons and neutrons, even neutrons and neutrons those all occur. The
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Add field controllers to stabilize and direct the beam(s) where you want them to go. A battery powered Tesla coil gun designed by Steve Ward and Phillip Slawinski and built by Tesla Universe My Comment: Add field controllers to stabilize and direct the beam(s) where you want them to go. Also use laser air ionization for installed units to form stable 3D patterns and for machining and engineering
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Stable human and sensor platforms at 100,000 feet (30.48 kilometers) have many practical uses The company successfully completed the first un-crewed space balloon flight. My comment:  Stable human and sensor platforms at 100,000 feet (30.48 kilometers) have many practical uses Take payloads and people that high then use solar sails and atomic fuels to leave and come back, or stay on station.  It does not have to go
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Global and heliospheric scale systems need skilled “gravitational engineers” My Comment: Global and heliospheric scale systems need skilled “gravitational engineers” – Practical control of gravity can use any fields or means that work I wrote a Gravity Research Foundation essay on gravitational energy density about 1981. Gravitational field energy density and its fluctuations would set the bounds on nuclear reactions, particularly fusion reactor systems,
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Two slit experiment. all associated fields can be calculated and visualized and changed now

Two slit experiment. all associated fields can be calculated and visualized and changed now Thank you for sharing. I finally understand the range of cohesion and “rigidity” of the electron and particle fields. That field goes through both passages, and outward at the speed of light and gravity and magnetism. The electron or ion or
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Red Singlet Oxygen reaction video comment – My life story about gravitational energy density, fusion, magnetic dipole strong and weak forces

Comment on Action Lab at My Comment: Thank you for sharing. I have never seen a video of that chemical reaction before with the intense red. For an earth to orbit lift scenario, (SpaceX) I designed a system with many 2 GigaWatt storage units, each that has to produce for about 5 minutes (300
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moving things with acceleration fields

Action Lab Using Sound as a fire extinquisher Yes, this works for acoustics, for electromagnetics, for electrons, for ions, for sprays, bullets, and randomly placed array sources. Impulse response. Use it to move most anything. Use doppler scans, then push red and pull blue or the opposite. The only reason you can do this
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A “standard” not shared completely on the Internet is not a workable tool for global collaboration

Freya Blekman @freyablekman #CMSPaper 1338 describes a precision measurement of the production rate of the quantum carriers of the weak force, the Z and W bosons. These measurements allow comparison and improvement of detailed understanding of the strong force in the standard model Replying to @freyablekman A “standard” not shared completely on the
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