Comment on “Ion Engine 2.0” – many people interested, and posting things, but not working together globally

Ion Engine 2.0 at (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 574,000 entry points (Google, 9 Oct 2021) (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 310 entry points (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 141,000 entry points And they are not all working together globally. Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

Comment on “Floating under a levitating liquid” and related issues

Floating under a levitating liquid at and (for pay, just for reference) This is not science and sharing, but what I have come to call “eye candy”. Pretty pictures and people playing with phenomena, but not showing the context and background. You start with showing the whole of the apparatus, explain the parts,
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Comment on Video Demonstrating Convection, and approaches to understanding and visualizing

How to demonstrate convection at The simple materials are good, but you, yourself, did not explain what you were expecting, where the students and demonstrators were supposed to focus their attention. You said (don’t use purple shirt) and for this short video, why did you not go change your shirt and record it again? Or,
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Generating synthetic gravitational fields

Teri, I was doing a quick study on “color from structure” and related concepts.  The colors of butterfly wings are often not pigments in the traditional sense, but emergent colors because of the shapes of the molecules. What clicked in my mind is that the sub wavelength structures (the structures that produce the rather large
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Comment on old style MIT lab presentations. They are SO slow

Optics: Fringe contrast – path difference | MIT Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics This is like those old serials – always ends with a cliff hanger. How irritating. Some good stuff, glad to see it. But wish he would not be so Socratic, and more measurement and data oriented. But this is a
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Comment on Making Petrified Lightning – application to solar system colonization, global needs and new industries

TheBackyardScientist,  Making Petrified Lightning …with electricity? at 3D printing metal. You can use metal or glass powders, control the current, and randomly choose next points – probably run on Arduino. You have all the skills and stuff mostly. Maybe someone already suggested. You might invent a way for YouTube viewers to work together, combine
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Comment on Jordan Sullivan, Neutrinos and Antimatter Video

Neutrinos and antimatter at Jordan, You can combine a particle and its anti-particle into a stable form, if you provide angular momentum. The external charge and magnetic dipole moments are effectively zero, and the particle is effectively all binding energy which has no mass. The pair can store most any amount of energy, but
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Comment on changing torsion bars to controlled shock absorbers – value of measurement and simulations

I Deleted My Tahoe’s Torsion Bars for Something Much Better at There are apps for your cell phone that record the data from the three axis accelerometer. So you can change the settings and run on a given road at different settings to see the change in the impulse response of the car to road
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Comment on Cat and Plasma Ball, Rotating Plasma Ball, Plasma Ball and Fluorscent tubes and bulbs, iPhone

Cat and Plasma Balls at The cat investigated all parts of the globe, power (it can smell the hands of the person on the plug most likely), and behavior (optical, response to touch and nearness, acoustic because its ears and nose can pick up more than our fat fingers) methodically. Its nose is rather
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Groups sharing models and data on the Internet, not paper – the case of “neutrino” OR “neutrinos”

Maury, Please post your Long Baseline Neutrino Newsletters on the Internet, and only send links and short announcements by email.  Make a member site and let people control their email notices. I think I wrote about this before, but is this newsletter available online somewhere.  My email only has a fixed part of the screen
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