Category: Radiation Channels

Comment on Cat and Plasma Ball, Rotating Plasma Ball, Plasma Ball and Fluorscent tubes and bulbs, iPhone

Cat and Plasma Balls at The cat investigated all parts of the globe, power (it can smell the hands of the person on the plug most likely), and behavior (optical, response to touch and nearness, acoustic because its ears and nose can pick up more than our fat fingers) methodically. Its nose is rather
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Comment on Optical fiber coupling to photonics chip

Optical fiber coupling to photonics chip by Wojciech Lewoczko-Adamczyk at Suggest you use the whole screen for the graphs, equations, diagrams. It is too small to read easily and I do not need to see your face while you are looking at the screen. Such are called “screen videos”, where you and the viewer
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Gravity and Temperature, gravity and pressure

Shawn, What I am saying is that the energy density of the radiation field of the earth, which you can map by mapping the temperature is just “gravitational field stuff”.  The magnetic field of the earth which you can convert to magnetic energy density is also made of “gravitational field stuff”. The gravitational field of
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Gravitational, Magnetic and Electric Field Changes from Global Climate Change

I wrote yesterday about magnetism and gravity and temperature at gravimeter and related sensor array detector sites.  I give averages over all frequencies, but the fine details can be tracked across all frequencies from picoHertz to ZettaHertz. Relation between gravity, magnetism and temperature at the earths surface at /?p=1893 Today I realized that if global
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Relation between gravity, magnetism and temperature at the earths surface

I wrote this yesterday, and then realized that if global climate change increases the global temperature by 1 degree then that will change the readings at all accelerometer sites. But the (word that starts with i) at NASA and other places don’t give you the absolute temperature time series, only the change. But the impact
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Is anyone doing continuous quantum measurements? Are you picking up gravity, seismic, magnetic, ELF and other noise?

As the quantum detectors get more sensitivity they should be picking up fluctuations in the local gravitational potential and electromagnetic background fields of the earth. But I have not seen anyone running a detector continuously for the days or weeks or months needed to do the required correlations to trace things out. Nor, do I
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Another comment on Schrodinger and noise in the vacuum

L.D. Edmonds I did not mean to stir things up. I track global sensor networks (the communities of people working together) and many of the “quantum” and “gravitational” and “quark gluon” and “neutrino” groups get rather esoteric in their language and methods. The methods are not too hard, but sorting out what people mean by
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ClearDarkSky, All Sky Camera Standards and Goals, Education, Research, Weather and Climate

Luis, This year I joined the Houston Astronomical Society, the Astronomical League and now Texas Astronomical Society. I am a retired mathematical statistician, but I work full time still as Director of the Internet Foundation.  If you want me to bore you to tears about global Internet communities, I am happy to oblige. I have
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Comment on Welding – semi-robotic, solar system colonization, contract work in vacuum, atomic fuels Randy, Thanks for the site!! Some good advice here. There are lots of options for making intelligent tools for human welders, rather than completely replacing them with robots. Have you run across this yet? For instance, I came to your site from a search “welding” (“current” OR “amperes”) “sticky” looking for the physics and
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