Category: Symbolic Mathematics

Mathematics can be codified and compiled exactly into global open resources for all humans and their AIs

The current “AIs” are using lossy, “learn it from bad examples on the web” methods. No verification, no records, no permanent copy of steps to refine and share. Just because there are some good worked out mathematical examples on the free Internet that some AIs are able to plagiarize, does not mean a generative index
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Self sustaining reactions, solitons and Nobel prizes, wave fronts, atomic and nuclear space ships

Steve Mould: Bizarre traveling flame discovery at About 1974/1975 I wss at the University of Texas at Austin. Ilya Prigogine was there with his group and they were studying chemical clocks, and chemical oscillators. Now Prigogine got his Nobel prize in 1977 for a range of things with names like “dissipative structures”, “systems far
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Internet Global Open Resources, Global Open Tokens I try to read and review internet content of all kinds. When I see people wasting time, it bothers me. When millions of people waste time it is bad. When billions waste years each, a catastrophe. The properties of air and electrical circuits are well known. Air is about 2.5 Kilogram/Meter^3 and molar mass
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Teach your country how to use computers and the Internet to share models and simulations that all can use and trace

H C Verma Course:  HC Verma-Magnetic field a consequence of relativity in hindi at New: This is a good result, but it needs to be in the computer as an engineering model. Not long algebra on a blackboard. Old: H C Verma, You are perpetuating a population of humans in a country that relies only
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Note to Connor Leahy about a way forward, if hundreds of millions can get the right tools and policies

Eye for AI: Unveiling the Darker Side of AI | Connor Leahy | Eye on AI #122 at Connor Leahy, I have had hundreds of long serious discussions with ChatGPT 4 in the last several months. It took me that many hours to learn what it knows. I have spent almost every single day for
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Richard Talks to ChatGPT 4.0 about electrons in a lattice. Would this be a good global competition topic?

Dearest Readers, I have had hundreds of conversations like this with GPT 4 at OpenAI.  It cannot or will not remember what I say from conversation to conversation, so I have to trick it into “getting in the grove”.  I know these subjects well, since starting electrodynamics more than 50 years ago.  But I am
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Principle of least action

Paul M Sutter: The Most Important Idea in Physics: The Principle of Least Action – Ask a Spaceman! at You say mostly the right words, but mathematics is powerful when you share the equations and methods and diagrams and geometry. Physics and engineering are powerful when you share the diagrams, equations, data and real examples.
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Symbolic Mathematics and tools for symbolic math and algorithms – teach computers who teach students or who help others

Flammable Maths: An Insane Approach! The Fresnel integrals: sin(x^2) and cos(x^2) without complex analysis at Writing math by hand is a bad thing to do to new generations. Get a decent symbolic math editor/solver and at least make the symbols standard. Do you trust programmers who make canned math manipulation tools, or some old guy
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Ambient Acoustic Noise equal to Maximum Solar Power Intensity

The reference sound pressure is 20 microPascal, often referred to as “limit of human hearing” in one of those super quiet rooms. Find Common sound pressures on Wikipedia “Sound pressure”. You might convert pressure to power Pascal = Newtons/meter^2 = Newton*Meters/Meter^3 = Joules/Meter^3 = (Watts/Meter^2)/(Meters/second). Pressure = Force/Area = Force*Distance/Area*Distance = Energy/Volume = (Power/Area)/(Velocity) Power/Area
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Comment on Video about oracle bones

“oracle bone” OR “oracle bones” has 335,000 entry points (Google, 13 Aug 2022) “divination” has 18.6 Million entry points “prognostication” has 4.54 Million entry points “fortune teller” OR “fortune telling” has 17.4 Million entry points “prediction” OR “predicting” OR “predictions” has 832 Million entry points “forecast” OR “forecasts” OR “forecasting” OR “forecaster” OR “forecasters” has
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