Category: Sun Moon Vector Tidal Signal

Add diamagnetic gravimeter to the list of ways to make chip scale gravimeters and their imaging networks

Diamagnetic magnetic levitation at nanoscale is one way to make chip scale gravimeters. A “gravimeter” is an accelerometer that can track the sun and moon by their gravitational fields precisely.   The three axis signal allows “gravitational GPS/GNSS” and “gravitational compass” in 3D. Array for imaging atmospheres, oceans, magma and interiors of things. After
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MOND might be several phenomena including multipole gravitational potential flows near the speed of light Their a0 is 1.2E-10 meter/second^2 which is the sensitivity needed to follow the sun moon tidal gravity signal at the earth’s surface. Potential changes at the sun and moon (and on earth) “diffuse” at the speed of light and change the local gradients. Also, electrons and protons from suns – a few charges easily
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Gravity GPS/GNSS and gravity compass using sun and moon tidal gravity signal

Nils Berglund: A simplistic model for tides – instantaneous forcing at The easiest model that works precisely is to use the positions of the sun, moon, and earth from JPL Horizon. Then for a particular point on earth (station) calculate the vector GM/r^2 acceleration of the sun acting on the station, minus the sun
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Every day gravity is Newtonian, and gets more interesting at higher sampling rates Sensitive three axis gravimeters show that vector sun moon tidal signals are nearly perfectly Newtonian, only requiring three linear regressions (6 numbers) to lock a station to the sun and moon for position and orientation sensing. Many types now.   This is one month for the vertical component of the vectors signal.
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Many kinds of three axis gravimeters can follow the atmosphere in real time

Utilizing the Impact of Earth and Atmospheric Tides on Groundwater Systems: A Review Reveals the Future Potential You might want to know that MEMS gravimeters and many kinds of three axis gravimeters can follow earth tides in real time. The three axis broadband seismometers at quiet stations follow the sun moon tidal signal closely.
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Nuclear and Atomic Data, effect of order of magnitude increase in precision on opportunities in global machine learning

Donnie Mason, I was just enjoying the graphs and data at NuDat 3.0.  I have been reading and using table of isotopes for over 50 years.  It is finally getting to where it is easy to use. I was looking at Q beta-, Q beta+ and Q EC for all the isotopes and the CSVs
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Kathyrn Johnston – the tides are nearly perfectly vector Newtonian at earth based gravimeter stations

Cool Worlds Podcast: #5 Kathryn Johnston – The Milky Way, Dark Matter vs MOND, Gaia at Kathyrn Johnston, The vector tidal signal at a superconducting gravimeter or more modern gravimeter detector shows a nearly pure Newtonian signal. You can get the JPL time series of precise positions for the sun moon earth every second, use
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Richard Chats with GPT 4.0 about gravity, Internet Foundation policies, projects

Richard: Jifemenko, Biot-Savart, Forward, Newtonian gravitational signals, time of flight forces and signals, Famine I measured the speed of gravity and found that it was the potential itself that was diffusing, not the force or acceleration. The potential at the earth is already there but it receives updates from the other bodies in the solar
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Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about visiting the sun and Newtonian gravitational detector arrays and sensors

Richard: From the photosphere out, what is the mass of the solar atmosphere in earth masses? OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I don’t have precise information on the total mass of the solar atmosphere (including the chromosphere, the transition region, and the corona) in Earth masses. The
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