There are ways to warp the vacuum if you create sufficient knowledge and energy density at global scale

My Comment: There are ways to warp the vacuum if you create sufficient knowledge and energy density at global scale

In the vacuum, there is vacuum and now the lasers and other technologies are reaching energy densities where one can create mass and create gravitational waves from the vacuum. But easier is to use atomic and nuclear fuels which have bonds to store energy that are 100 or 1000 or more time the chemical bonds. Plus you do not have to take oxygen. And many of the charged and magnetic product of the atomic fuels that can be made are immediately designed to work in creating propulsion. It takes and entire earth economy and all humans working together to make that kind of industry. So accept humans like killing and extorting each other more than they want to explored, develop and colonize the solar system, and beyond.

I have said it before,, but I will repeat. The machines and human systems build now, because of computer memory, are essentially lossless and immortal. What gets learned and improved only has to be stored once, and in principle, it is available to the whole species.. If it is shared in global (or heliospheric) – wide open formats. So sending out missions at 1/100 the speed of light in our 100,000 light year galaxy. The whole takes only 10 million years.

I have seen that the materials we use now can be 100 times stronger, and with robotic welding, they can be made many times less mass and stronger. A steel beam, or a sheet of stainless steel can be hollow and stronger then what is used now. The whole of the “booster” can be eliminated, if what I call “atomic fuel” is used that can store the same amount of energy, in a more convenient form, and 1/100th the volume and mass. It is more than “an electric spaceship”. It is more closer to a true star ship.

If Elon Musk put as much energy in motivating his AI groups to compile and focus the real knowledge of the human species (not that crap they scrape off the Internet to feed the chatty things sold as “AIs”), maybe there is a chance ALL humans in colleges and universities, individuals, corporations, schools, and groups — 8.2 Billion humans. Could focus on any of the worlds global problems and opportunities, and the reward systems itself can be tackled to optimize to that it works.

I spent the last 26 years with the Internet Foundation looking and finding how to use the Internet and all computers and all humans as one focused mind for the benefit of all humans and related species. But I started more than 50 years ago to understand quantum mechanics, fusion, statistical mechanics and gravitation just so I would have the background to know what all groups on the Internet are doing and help them do a better job. Most groups like the AI group have no background in critical ideas and technologies. Most engineers and worker only learn ONE skillset. But with automation of lossless and traceable, interlocking knowledge for the whole human species — any person or group can tackle “lets build a real starship” with confidence it is possible.

You two are babies discussing something I spent thousands of hours tracing and gathering. But my one human brain skill pales compared to managing and optimizing massively interdisciplinary groups.

There are 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet  That means 2.8 Billion not. And many of the 5.4 Billion do not have good or open Internet. Elon can give free global Internet and provide global open resources with core knowledge — and ask that the people using the Internet work at “something” that is sufficient to pay for their access. They can simply study things they are interested in. But not repeat the same old stuff billions of times. I have tried to write it down. But I am more like a surgeon who know how to do things precisely, then a chatbot that tells you words how to do things.

Work at the damn problem long enough yourself. Don’t just chat about it to fill your blog.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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