Category: Electromagnetic Gravitational Field

Global networks of low cost, three axis, time of flight gravimeters and gradiometers for 3D imaging of the Earth, atmosphere and oceans

Anton Petrov: Evidence of a Donut Like Structure Hidden Inside Planet Earth at Gravitational imaging arrays using low cost but very sensitive gravitational sensors can use time of flight correlation to image regions anywhere inside the earth at high resolution. There are many desktop, even portable alternatives. Atomic clocks, gravity gradiometers, many kinds of
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Wu’s parity violation is likely magnetic for strong (MeV) and weak (KeV) isotope reactions

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo  The Nobel Laureate T.D. Lee died recently. @yangyang_cheng wrote about Lee’s role in lifting science in China, and in bridging China and America. These magical years of 1980s! Replying to @zhigangsuo and @yangyang_cheng Thanks for sharing! There have been many excellent and outstanding researchers from China working in China and around
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Einstein, Dark Energy, Expansion, Digital Twin Models of the Universe and all real things

Turtles all the Way Down: What is Dark Energy? at My Comment: There are many processes, nuclear energy creation in stars foremost, that spread things out. Once gravitation and binding bring things together and nuclear fusion is possible, the nuclear energy created is much greater than gravitational energy. Our sun streams neutrinos, light, heat,
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KeV and MeV bond reactions with practical applications – atomic fuels, and extended nuclear materials

Ideal Weapon: Can Hafnium Bombs Replace Nuclear Bombs? at Suggest you use NuDat3 at BNL to see all the isotopes that can be used. You also need all the magnetic moments, which I think they will be adding. Most of the radioactive isotopes can be used for their reactions. Not just stable ones if
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Electric Thrusters, Thorium, nuclear ionization sources, energy management

Results of Experimental Studies on Thorium Migration in Electric Thrusters – Doug Codron, Keith Goodfellow, Daniel Erwin My Comments: Thank you for sharing your research. I think it likely the conditions for “superconducting” thermionic/photonic emission are not hard to achieve. Adding nuclear and electromagnetic ionization sources is one practical way to start controlled avalanches.
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Modular GigaWatt units only have to store and deliver for a few minutes

Military Affairs: US Tests Its Monstrously Powerful Laser Carrier To Beat Hypersonic Missiles at For SpaceX type earth to orbit and orbit to earth field generators, many modular 2 GigaWatt units only have to store and deliver for a few minutes, so they can be small and if some fail, sufficient backup is available.
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Magnetic rotation, magnetic currents, gravitational engineering, Starships and acceleration fields

Faraday Paradox Solved! He was correct – the field does not rotate with a rotating magnet. It was hard to follow you. But I liked your emphasis on the D orbitals. Generally, there is a large range of “magnetic quantum numbers” and many situations where orbitals have unpaired electrons. The D and F orbitals
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Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources

Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources   I was reading today and encouraged. While the economics of bulk electricity production are not particularly favorable, there are many new transportation, industrial and space applications where GigaWatt and larger power modules are needed.   For instance to
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Relic Neutrinos and the gravitational potential field at the surface of the earth

I have studied the gravitational energy density at the earth’s surface since about 1978. Just after Joe Weber told me to read all of Robert Forwards papers. g^2/(8*pi*G) is roughly equivalent to the energy density of a magnetic field of 379 Tesla. I know that the gravitational potential field is turbulent at small scale and
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Experimenting without real purpose is expensive

100 car batteries wired in parallel! at You forgot molten glass, molten salts! How do you charge 100 batteries? 50,000 Amperes at 12 volts is 6,000,000 Volt*Amperes. 6000 KiloWatts 14 cents per KiloWattHour would be $0.14*6000 = $840/hour if you have a 6 MegaWatt 12 volt DC charger, (I am tired, so check my
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