Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources

Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources
I was reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levitated_Dipole_Experiment today and encouraged. While the economics of bulk electricity production are not particularly favorable, there are many new transportation, industrial and space applications where GigaWatt and larger power modules are needed.
For instance to replace the SpaceX first stage “booster” with field methods (now I say “gravitational engineering solutions”) can use GW field generators. The charged particle storage requirements for levitation dipole and similar (electrical engineering approaches to fusion) match the short times involved, where you only need to store and use those strong fields for a few minutes on “surface to orbit” or “orbit to surface” tasks.
The approaches I think will work (since all these groups keep moaning “we need something better than cryogenic superconducting magnets”) are laser, heavy ion. metamaterial beam-driven KiloTesla and MegaTesla fields.
Elon Musk might take note that “KiloTesla” and “MegaTesla” are going to get used for advertising a lot, or just because they sound “cool”. But confusing the Tesla of magnetic fields, the Tesla of cars and your industries, is going to make a mess on the current Internet.
If AI groups (presumably trying to gather, understand and share things from and on the Internet), and “domain specific groups” in areas like science technology engineering mathematics computing finance government organizations topics (STEMC-FGOT) would pre-tokenize the whole Internet, and use global open tokens that are traceable to global organizations and sources — the overhead and mistakes can be reduced by orders of magnitude. Right now the statistical based AIs are all lossy, untraceable, unverifiable, and only large organizations and brute force methods can support even partial efforts at completeness.
We have fragmented global research, fragmented global knowledge, fragmented global rules and policies, fragmented focus on sharing for truly global issues and global opportunities.
The commercial firms are doing their own things and NOT working with all the source groups and Internet groups to validate and refine and continuously improve the information. Too much power is in the hands of individuals and group who are not currently regulated or showing social responsibility for their actions and in-actions. The government (including UN and cities and their clouds of nonprofit, think tanks and NGOs) is not integrated for good (rather than dominance and power). The schools, academics, education, paper industries are not moving fast enough to embrace “digital memory and processing” rather than perpetuating obsolete “ink on paper, read edit write” technologies.
Knowledge on paper only perpetuates “readers and writers in power”. But “talk to the Internet or “work with global knowledge” can let the computers take over lots of that memorization, best practices methods, “everyone is supposed to know it” rules, basic functioning of global systems, “whatever you want to do that someone else has likely done”, “something you want to do, and the pieces are likely out there and should benefit all humans, not just a few”.
What is possible now, is factorial and exponential, not additive or incremental.
I started working out the global network and system requirements for fusion in the 1970s when I was at UT Austin listening to their plans and ideas for fusion. What I saw was no one truly understood the details of how particles interact inside nuclei by magnetic forces and bonds. The electrical engineers were being pushed out to let the theorists play and strut. I could say a lot more, but in the world, I see a few people in cliques running every organization. They do not have the full picture, they do not have the experience needed, they do not know the details, but because everyone still uses “follow one leader no matter what they know or do” they can arbitrarily disrupt the whole organization.
Filed as (Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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