Electric Thrusters, Thorium, nuclear ionization sources, energy management

Results of Experimental Studies on Thorium Migration in Electric Thrusters – Doug Codron, Keith Goodfellow, Daniel Erwin

My Comments:

Thank you for sharing your research.

I think it likely the conditions for “superconducting” thermionic/photonic emission are not hard to achieve. Adding nuclear and electromagnetic ionization sources is one practical way to start controlled avalanches. But resonant pumping is another. Fast methods can control sparks and avalanches. It only requires focusing on third and higher time derivative. In drones this shows up as Amperes/second and Amperes per second^2.

I have seen data series where there were non-Gaussian residuals out to 20th time derivatives (terms in the Taylor series). But three to 7 is more common. I always think that Newton and Leibniz saw the utility of compressing time series data by focusing on the statistical properties of first order differences (derivatives) over time.

Often the first and second derivative distribution is perfectly Gaussian or other analytic distribution.

Filed as (Electric Thrusters, Thorium, nuclear ionization sources, energy management)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

It is not a “cathode” but an antenna.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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