Generating synthetic gravitational fields

I was doing a quick study on “color from structure” and related concepts.  The colors of butterfly wings are often not pigments in the traditional sense, but emergent colors because of the shapes of the molecules.
What clicked in my mind is that the sub wavelength structures (the structures that produce the rather large “blue” wavelengths” are smaller than the wavelength) can be of atomic and nuclear dimensions.
Back in the early 1980’s I wrote papers for the Gravity Research Foundation essay contest. In one of them I reflected on the gravitational energy density.  Robert Forward who helped start gravitational radiation detection gave an expression for the gravitational energy density and I found the relation to magnetic, electric, laser, thermal, and other forms of energy density.  The gravitational field at the earth’s surface has an energy density equal to a magnetic field of about 379 Tesla. This is larger than any static field we have been able to produce. I have tried to visualize and understand and apply that for the last 40 years.
What I see is that ordinary matter, like molten iron at the earth’s core, is made of structures whose size and density determine the frequencies of gravitational potential waves they are immersed in.  And, since the gravitational field permeates all matter, including inside black holes, that means signals of all wavelengths are found in the gravitational field.
Specifically, at the surface of the earth, the gravitational energy density and the energy density of waves in the gravitational potential can be connected.
g^2/(8 pi G) = (4/c)*SB*T^4  where g is the acceleration, G is the gravitational constant, c is the speed of light and gravity, SB is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature of the gravitational field in Kelvin.
T^4 = g^2 *c / (8 pi G * 4 SB)
T^4 = g^2 * (2.99792458E8)/(8*pi*6.674E-11 * 4 * 5.670374E-8)
For g = 9.8 meters/second^2, the temperature is about 2.95 Million Kelvin and the magnetic field is 379.37 Tesla
In radiation terms, TemperatureElectronVolts = BC * T / EC, where BC is Boltzmanns constant, EC is Electron Charge, and T is in Kelvin.  For this example that is 254.17 electron volts, which is in the soft x-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum. What I am saying is that the earth’s color is primarily “soft x-ray” which is why gravity goes right through solids.  They are immersed in it.  It flows through. and fills, the pores of matter, and its smallest particles move at the speed of light and gravity.
I have been trying for several years to design detectors that can see inside the earth and sun and moon or anything.  To image in real time, the core of the earth and sun.  This concept that the color or spectrum of light is tied to its sources – to matter of unique shapes and sizes, not its periodicity, is powerful.  It means that the hot mass of the core of the earth is visible from the surface, by looking at the soft x-ray spectrum.  And that is accessible, but forming structures and detectors that can image across all wavelengths. The wavelength of this light is about 4.878 nanometers.  And pulses of that size can be made in many ways. This is freshman physics in college or something high school kids can study. And the tools for making the fields, you can buy off of Amazon and Ebay.
Here are some of the kinds of searches I was doing
“nanodots” (“coloration” OR “coloring” OR “coloration” OR “pigment”) with 96,100 entries
“plasmon resonances” “colors” with 77,600 entries
“structural colors” OR “structural color” with 622,000 entries
“structural coloration” with 47,600 entries
(“coloring” OR “coloration”) (“photonic” OR “photonics”) with 643,000 entries
(“reflective coloring” OR “reflective coloration”) (“photonic” OR “interference” OR “diffraction” OR “Mie” Or “Bragg”) with 819
“nanorod” “color”
“tandem nanorods”
and many more
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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