Internet Global Open Resources, Global Open Tokens I try to read and review internet content of all kinds. When I see people wasting time, it bothers me. When millions of people waste time it is bad. When billions waste years each, a catastrophe. The properties of air and electrical circuits are well known. Air is about 2.5 Kilogram/Meter^3 and molar mass
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Peter Higgs Boson – for heliospheric industrial applications

Robert Garisto @RobertGaristo  Here is text and equation (2b) where Peter Higgs described his boson in his 1964 @PhysRevLett (free to read) Replying to @RobertGaristo and @PhysRevLett This would have been much more useful it if was available to me in 1966. And now, in symbolic math format, rather than pixels on the
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The future of India, the future of the human species

How Indian Software Engineer Industry is Changing at In order to have “solar system colonization” and a heliospheric economy, many problems need to be solved. All new industries, all new kinds of jobs. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation There are about 8.1 Billion humans now, and 2 Billion from 4-24 that I call “first time
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Permuting species and “If Einstein had never been born” Comment: (If Einstein were not born): They say generalist species are more important. But in fact parallel developing specialists and individuals can far outnumber and have more influence than large nodes with many links. I track these “bubbling up” topics on the Internet and try to find and encourage them to form new global
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Global Open Networks, Global Software Networks, Global Data Networks, all Data Networks, all Software Networks @elonmusk “Global Software Networks” – Lossless, efficient, reliable, sustainable, accessible, auditable, traceable, trustworthy, above reproach, open, #GlobalOpenNetworks #GlobalSoftwareNetorks  “Global Data Networks”- Lossless, efficient, reliable, sustainable, accessible, auditable, traceable, trustworthy, above reproach, open, #GlobalOpenNetworks #GlobalDataNetorks   If it is not Lossless, efficient, reliable, sustainable, accessible, auditable, traceable, trustworthy, above reproach, open, – it will not
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Use Atomic and Nuclear fuels on Mars and Moon and “out there”

Time Travelers Clup?  Artificial intelligence solved the oxygen problem on Mars at Running calculations for a set of chemical reactions to search for yields and economics is what chemists, particularly those working at global or heliospheric scale, do. Ask a chatbot to run a program with data is not intelligence on the part of
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