Could MegaTelsa fields be used on earth, begs the question. They will HAVE to be used in space

Could megatesla magnetic fields be realized on Earth? at KiloTesla and MegaTesla fields are routinely considered in many areas of research now on the Internet. KiloTesla fields can be created and used fairly routinely. MegaTesla fields will be common for laser vacuum activation. KiloTelsa fields will reduce the size of fusion devices. “Mr Fusion”
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Networks of atoms and particles and molecules. milli micro nano pico femto atto devices and processes

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo In Thursday morning, I ended my lecture with this slide. Knits and weaves are yarns of dense entanglements. Knits are stretchable, but weaves are not. Sitting beside me on the plane today is a lady knitting a sock. She entangles a single yarn into a network. A single yarn!… Pretty
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Entanglement of finite independent flows and flux lines

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo I had to look it up, but it makes perfect sense. It happens a lot on the Internet, where indirect connections between nodes, often outnumber direct ones. The connections and paths are by associates, supporters, advocates, funding agencies, stakeholders, alumni, founders, common interests. Most of these associations are real, but lost by
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Induced magnetism suggestion to K&J Magnetics

I read your article because of your email. I had hoped you would show a way to re-energize or strengthen an old magnet by using a strong magnet to increase permanent magnetization. Is that possible? Can a strong magnetic make many weaker magnets? Ferromagnetic materials, like paper clips, nails, washers, metal plates, metal sheets.
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Biases are stored in large language models from their too narrow input data and lack of global open permanent memory

Biases are stored in large language models from their too narrow input data and lack of global open permanent memory This is most likely from the strong social biases that are embedded in the training data, which mostly comes from open free sources. Just as “human languages” can be learned at a one shot level
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Joe Weber’s vision, and a new vision for cities and human relations over heliospheric distances – soon

Andrew Cote, You can recast that pile of rock, steel, asphalt and concrete into global energy, information and material flows. Make your food materials from intermediates, and get humans our of legacy office buildings. Let them work virtually and heliospherically, you do not need piles of empty offices with humans to memorizing and processing rules
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Foundation updated – One “Seldon year” is worth 1000 years of humans doing it unaided

The Trantor of Foundation only had 40 Billion humans. With nuclear, atomic and true AI, most everyone could see the sky. The food and material intermediates flowing to human consumable and fabrication locations, can be energized by nuclear and atomic power sources. Mainly gamma, electron, ion and isotope forms – which are well understood and
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Post: Look at Twitter(X) wasting most of the value of a large global community they could enable and are not

Agnes Pockels is called a “citizen scientist”. What that really means is she was a woman and not considered “a real male scientist in a society controlled and manipulated by men for their own benefit”.   How many people are forced into “citizen scientist” because they are black, immigrants, poor, have to work for a
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Post: Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto Atto assembly at Industrial, Development, Lab, Factory, Home and Personal Scale

Post: Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto Atto assembly at Industrial, Development, Lab, Factory, Home and Personal Scale   I was reading and know that 2D control surfaces with 2D video patterns, and 3D controlled volumetric video signals with its 3D video formats — can be used to control even up to very high frame
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Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto Atto assembly at Industrial, Development, Lab, Factory, Home and Personal Scale

@NatureComms The emails I receive from go to one description of some research, which then points to Nature,com articles. But I mostly follow and communicate by Twitter(X) because there are so many places people gather and discuss.   The “Nature Community” has the entire Internet and beyond as its medium. And countless channels, memory
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