Joe Weber’s vision, and a new vision for cities and human relations over heliospheric distances – soon

Andrew Cote, You can recast that pile of rock, steel, asphalt and concrete into global energy, information and material flows. Make your food materials from intermediates, and get humans our of legacy office buildings. Let them work virtually and heliospherically, you do not need piles of empty offices with humans to memorizing and processing rules that computers can do in a millionth the time.
You need to stop using solids and materials for motion and acceleration, and use the gravitational potential field itself. The is much more powerful and now (just the last decades and the last few months and into the next few years) can be tapped as part of “fusion” and “atomic materials economy”.

A synthetic view of Manhattan or the Moon, or Mars or anywhere can be BETTER than the real thing, and not does force one to build old technologies out of stuff that you have to reprocess. On one view you see Manhattan, and another Beijing, another a cleaned up top of Mount Everest, another a completely synthetic Moon Base.

( You idiots leaving trash on Mt Everest and other places, take a bit of trash home on every trip. Leaving trash on the Moon is not pissing on the Moon to leave your ‘mark’. Clean it up and keep ultra high resolution records of EVERYTHING.)

With synthesizers 3D fabricating the food a party of 10, can be in 10 locations in the solar system, and all sitting at the same table, eating the same food. I worked out how to move knowledge at C^2/deltaV, where deltaV is the velocity precision of the model synchronizing the gravitational potential field used for communication. That fulfills Joe Webers vision – what he was aiming for.
Filed as (Joe Weber’s vision, and a new vision for cities and human relations over heliospheric distances – soon)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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