Category: Process Monitoring and Control

Answering a question – Is it possible to accelerate neutrons?

Can ever neutrons be directly accelerated by any means of energy ? Riccardo Bernardini This is an interesting article. But search “neutron accelerator” on Google and you get many tens of thousands of entry points. The neutron has a magnetic moment, so is affected by any magnetic gradient. Actually by any energy density gradient
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Comment on exploding wire and electron beam vaporization studies of electric polarizabiltiies

Dynamic dipole polarizability of gold and copper atoms for 532- and 1064-nm wavelengths I wrote to Gennady Sarkisov on ResearchGate about your work just now.  I was reading his Jan 2019 paper “Dynamic dipole polarizability of gold and copper atoms for 532- and 1064-nm wavelengths” at and left him this comment. ——————–  My
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Comment on Building a Digital Magnetic Levitation Platform! video Fairly certain there is not enough information from one magnetic sensor to uniquely determine the position and orientation of the floating magnet. Once you actually measure the position and orientation of the levitated mass, its magnetic field, and the shapes of the supporting field. Then it is much easier. Do you think those rockets
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Comment on Applied Sciences Video – Measuring Human Digestive Efficiency vs a flame I am fairly certain you are just seeing the fiber that is concentrated in the feces. It has about the same heating value per unit mass as the original, but indigestible. Most all the sugars, starches and lighter fats are likely to be used for energy – converted to energy, CO2 and water with
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Comment on Industrial applications of pulsed power technology Thanks for gathering this together. But the last decades or so, the cost of high power, high dI/dt controls has dropped considerably – drones, 3D printers, PWM servos, robotics, vehicles. I have only looked at a few areas so far. What you sort of missed was the sensor and control and modeling side. Atmospheric
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Comment on a wonderful recipe

It’s so delicious that I cook it almost every day! incredible recipe # 10 at The food is beautiful. Your methods and cooking show well. It is easy to see the care you put into making textures that fit the cooking, and probably taste good and are satisfying to eat. But, you need context.
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Comment on the true cost of electric vehicles – wasted time by not sharing models and data

Tesla vs Gas: TRUE Charging Cost After 75,000 Miles at 75,000 miles/28 miles per gallon equivalent = 2,679 gallon gas equivalent 2679 gge * (33.7 KWH/gge) = 90,282 KWH at 100% efficiency 90,283/0.92 efficiency = 98133 KWH purchased 98133 KWH * 0.0798 $/KWH = $6948 But he says $1400. His miles per gallon seems
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Comment on Nature video seen by more than 14 Million viewers, but no follow up or community building

Have you ever seen an atom? at Many people have viewed this video, but you are not keeping it up to date. It is 23 Oct 2021 and it shows 14,208,628 views. The video is 151 seconds. If everyone watched the whole thing, that is over 68 years of viewing. The value of human time
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Interesting Green Wall Video of Volunteers from many countries – Can you see the Green Walls from space yet?

Great Green Wall – Africa For Africa at I wonder if you can see the Green Walls of Africa or China from space yet? If it is visible in the AVHRR or other satellites, and if it is already changing weather patterns, wind, moisture and dust? When I asked that of Google, I got back
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Self reproducing robot societies that live in the desert and convert sunlight to cities

I have had deserts on my mind a lot over the last few decades.  All during the 1980’s I worked on populations forecasts and issues in Africa, then the Famine Early Warning Systems (, then global climate change.  I sort of keep up with any efforts to turn those vast areas into something more suitable
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