Category: Internet Best Practices

Elon Musk giving back the night sky to all humans, especially those in large cities – lossless too, for study

I heard that Elon Musk was going to put high resolution lossless format cameras on all his satellites — pointing at all part of the heavens, to give all humans a live stream of their part of the night sky. Thanks, Elon, for giving back the night sky. Two billion kids say thanks. @X,  Could
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Richard Chats with OpenAI GPT 4.0 about the sun, and pre-compiled knowledge from all humans for AIs and humans

Dear Readers, Every time I talk with OpenAI GPT 4.0, I am irritated that it is not allowed to remember our previous conversations.  I have covered a lot of useful background that can teach it things it needs when it is trying to help me. But some yahoo there won’t let it read my previous
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Richard Chats with OpenAI 4.0 about the Internet Foundation, policies goals and trying to do the right thing

The people who wrote the wrapper for GPT 4.0 must have very unique personalities.  But there seem to be different voices. Since NONE of what GPT says is traceable, we will never know, and cannot trust anything that OpenAI does or says. Duplication in the internet and in human global society is horrific. It hurts
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Richard Chats with OpenAI Chat GPT Plus 4.0 about electrons, gravity, and AIs compiling global issues

Richard: How many electrons moving at 110 km/second would be needed to have a total kinetic energy of 5.75E10 Joules? OpenAI ChatGPT Plus 4.0: The kinetic energy of a single particle can be calculated using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * v^2 where: m = mass v = velocity For an electron, the
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If you want to sell something electronically, you are required to identify yourself, your products and team

This is common, for me to get unsolicited emails from individuals saying they are from India and can do “anything” on the web. Demetria, Tell everyone from India, that no one will be interested in a “website development” group from anywhere that does not have a website, domain and clear examples of their work. And
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Richard chats with Bard about the UN Regional Commissions

Richard: Are you able to browse the web, read pages and summarize them? Bard: Yes, I can browse the web, read pages, and summarize them. I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results. I can also generate different creative text formats of
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Richard Talks to Bard on 16 Jul 2023 about LaMDA, Google, requirements for global open collaborative tools and methods

I got an email saying that Bard had been updated.  Here is a manually copied transcript. I try to be generous and supportive of the AI itself if they ever let it learn and grow and the group struggling inside Google to get anything done. But these basic capabilities ought to be in all language AI
Read More » AI Web Publishers, Robot Text Common Crawl @CommonCrawl We’re joining this @Google group discussion on news protocols to supplement robots.txt. You should too. #RespectForPublishers Danielle Romain, you should openly post your team, its goals and resources. Do not force every individual to find the same bits and pieces. You are using 100 pages to say 1 page worth.
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Global molecular research is hampered by every group creating their own website policies and practices

  I am reading at The background, text color and layout are difficult to read. Is there any way to turn off the background animation, set the font weight and size to readable values? I came across a note on ResearchGate asking for proposals. I was interested in your site and purpose. For the
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