Ancestry DNA and AIs? What is needed? What is possible? Will proprietary company use open methods for the human species?

There are regular software tools for that. You can ask your question of which is free (register and it will keep your conversations).

Write long clear questions with background and it does better. Explain what you are trying to do, and how you think it can be approached. Tell it to give you the approaches people are trying and then have it tell you what groups seem to be the most active. It knows GitHub since Microsoft owns that now. If you record your discussion with it you can try to record the screen and your voice comment to share.

There are some specific clustering tools. Even a few years ago there were people programming and trying things but it was scattered and difficult. I have been programming for 58 years now and tried lots with Ancestry DNA. But I cannot do that right now. I work 18/7 and just too tired most of the time.

Ancstry has an “AI” but I have not used it, Most AIs will NOT do anything for you. They only tell you what to do and you have to lick the buttons, type and copy and paste. I wrote that AI’s should run the computers and programs for you and that got 15,000 views in two days on X.

I do not know the rules about posting in this group today is my first day. Buta that post is at and has my X account. I mostly write things there.

Some of the missing parent problems (only DNA no clues to family) the fastest approach is to build the trees of all the matches. Complete out to 5th great grand parents. Don’t look up, don’t try to get too smart. Just slog out pedigree after pedigree. came to that by just doing lots of differnet ones about 120 and more regular “confirm and extend my tree with DNA”

It might be useful for me to make a video about AIs in DNA Genealogy. I have about 12,000 hours solving missing parent cases and made almost a 1000 private videos to show people how to do that. Knowing what to ask an AIs is most of the effort. I will think about it in the next few days.

I filed this note as (Ancestry DNA and AIs? What is needed? What is possible? Will proprietary companies use open methods for the human species?)

I have to write things down as clearly as possible so I can remember them. Sorry to be so wordy. 75 now and 72 it started getting harder to remember everything I have every read or thought about.

RIchard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Since most of the AIs paired with commercial software are going to try to sell you things, best to use several independent ones.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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