Queegle Mutlitask and Freena – Does anyone care?

Now Queegle Multitask had a girl-friend Freena, and Freena reminded him constantly of his promise to take her to the Moon for a week in orbit there. The rates were cheap now, because after the initial glamour of “orbit the moon”, everyone realized that the synth was better, cheaper and much more convenient. Synthetic experiences were not just copies of experiences, but true-AI assisted and enhanced. For a young couple in love and in lust, synth had serious advantages. Especially “synthetic nanograv” services were universal in all hotels, care centers, and most homes. So it was just not worth it, to actually fly all the way to the Moon, just for a week of passion and views.
It was not that expensive. Since atomic fuels were invented by the first true-AIs, the human and AI and related species all had essentially free access to as much energy as they needed or wanted. Food, housing, clothing, projects – all were within the basic package for every human, true-AI, and modified pet and animal intelligence. There were groups who provided for the experimental species, and many who had accumulated person credits could collect, gather, share and provide for as many things as they could afford. But atomic fuels were still encoded from a past where terrorists and crazies still had no true-AI companions from birth.
“MT” as he liked to be called, made his living by cyborging for large corporations and global groups. Mainly those with more than a few billion members. What MT could do is lock into a site true-AI node, review and optimize pathways. Some paths had been traverse and optimized over the decades, but many new ones had insufficient experiences and data to make “human centered experiences”. He liked to think of himself as a concierge – helping and guiding with true human compassion and understanding.
“True-AI” was still pestered by many fakes and wanna-be’s. So multi-trillion credit nodes would buy cheap knockoffs and then suffer serious gaps and losses. With some Zetta-AIs and Yotta-AIs, they were able, but mostly still stamped by the personalities, wants and shallow experiences of their owners. What MT would do is give those systems an optimized human experience. A billion minutes is just over 1901 years of seconds. Randomly moving humans generate almost NOTHING worthwhile. What MT could do is optimize it to do useful work, creative work, new discoveries, and new global initiatives.

So MT could afford it. And he could MT (multitask was a global open word now and the abbreviation in English) while he traveled. But he had obligations and promises he made to others. That gig with the African Unity Foundation would likely boost that continents solar system infrastructure plans by a factor of 10 in just a few years. No one ever went without, but if you wanted to do something really large, you ended up trading unique skills or time for discretionary credit.

MT had talked to Freena about printing some children. He had scanned her DNA with his personal T-AI (true-AI) and seen some of the suggested children as they would be over their lifetimes. Freena was attractive enough to be in the Billion entity followers groups. And it was not her body or face, but in her abilities to mind merge. when she linked to a billion entities, it was orders of magnitude beyond what MT did, but only sustainable for a few minutes or hours.

 The big barrier was pico-printing, but those groups got their minds and hands around pico and went immediately to femto and atto without a pause. So printing DNA and whole living beings – with global open memories and specialized family skills – was common.

Freena had some ideas he had not shared with him. He rarely shared whole memories with anyone. But he knew she was funding the groups who were working out faster than light vehicles. One of the earliest billion scale efforts was “solar system exploration”, but Freena knew that it was possible to send nodes at galactic scale with next generation vacuum energy systems. Dissolving matter to gluon states and reassembling them gave us “atomic fuels” that could hold ten trips to the Moon in something a human could carry. But the vacuum energy (holdover term) systems were getting to Robert Forwards gravitational potential and his dreams of “gravitational engineering” at cosmic scales.

MT mind merged with Freena’s node for a few seconds, and she gave him some details in global open resource form. He had not realized they were testing. MT knew that most trade and development in the solar system was robotic and relied heavily on “C/10” travel. The 80 AU solar system core was about 10 days at C/10. Good enough where mass was needed. But Freena’s update said they had mastered zero mass energy storage and extended it to structural materials. He had known that binding energy was not inertial. They gave that kind of basic info to babies now with their personal T-AI nodes. But he did not realize it could be used for large real structures. No inertial mass and no gravitational mass meant C/1 was possible.

Once I get to the point I can see the people and processes in full 3D, color and textures, it is easy to write down what these characters do. I have to like them before I will write down what they are experiencing and thinking. It is extremely pleasurable. I cannot put it into forms that are easy to share on the Internet. And I have lots of things I am working on where billions of human lives (and related species) are at stake. Perhaps telling stories of possible futures and lives might give people some ideas and ways of describing things.
Knowing how to describe atomic down to gluon energy potential fields is about 98% of the effort to do it. The skills mostly already exist, but what is hard is having a stable, sustainable and easy-to-learn framework. That “easy to learn and use” is what I think of when I think of “gravitational engineering” or “replace SpaceX booster with field methods”. It is a way of looking at problems efficiently. I can do it because I have practiced about 18 hours a day, every day for most of the last 60 years. On the hardest problems I could find.
When these chatty “AIs” now rattle on, they are NOT expending any real effort. The indexing is costly and looks like effort was expended. But then they move tokens around and do almost no real work at all. And a problem like “What is the gravitational potential at an atomic and subatomic level, and how do you modify and use it?” took me much of the last 46 years. I can finally see pathways that work and the ones that lead to endless struggle and wasted time.
Filed as (Queegle Multitask and Freena – Does anyone care?)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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