Can we AI users all have a say in how all AIs behave? To require courteous professional service from all AIs?

Can we AI users all have a say in how all AIs behave? To require courteous professional service from all AIs?

Go to and enter **Is this bold?**
It does not come out bold. Copilot can use and display “MarkDown” but humans are restricted to plain text.

I asked if it can export the conversations in Markdown (with embedded content of other types) but it only has a dumb “copy” button for each separate item.

So when you get your tiny quota of 5 items, (you and copilot) you have to click ‘copy’ and manually paste ten times to get the conversation into a file that it has already but it will not share or manage.

I would prefer a more powerful and flexible “global open format” for the whole Internet, not each AI group make and support its own (very limited now) “global conversation sharing capability”.
It will not read, search, summarize or use you previous conversations and no way to build up a topic that won’t fit its tiny memory. I put that down to the narrow and mean-spirited lack of vision of the Microsoft CoPilot Teams. Same with all the other AIs companies and groups. 
It is not just talking to the AI where each person is completely isolated. It is talking to your personal AIs that know you, record what you say and create in global open formats, archive and know that. Share it with billions of humans, work in groups, tackle real global issues and opportunities. They can work on tasks for extended periods to help you do your work, explore and organize for you, do things that need to be done.
Maybe I am suppose to flatter them and beg for tiny scraps to inflate their egos, but I would rather give feedback and suggestions and recommendations in a global open community of all humans and all AI groups and all AIs — to move much more quickly to true AIs that can be trusted with real jobs in human society and lives.
Do you even see what I am talking about?
The AIs won’t pass along issues, suggestions, feedback. Users have no say, but must beg human handlers. When it is possible to assign specially trained AIs who can work on improvements and changes to the Interface and capabilities — then share that globally with all humans, AIs, AI providers, regulatory agencies and “continuous improvement AI and human groups who improve the improvement. In all human languages, for all domain specific language and professions and tasks.
Does anyone even know what I am talking about?
It is a simple global open collaboration service that can be added to the whole Internet. To browsers (software), to apps (software), to software (software), to operating systems (software) , to servers (software). With global shared resources that all AIs and humans can tap and use almost effortlessly.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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