Month: September 2024

Mind merging, The First Summer, 3D signals, Joe Weber and detection of dynamic gravitational waves You should read my book, The First Summer, at The second and third books are about true machine intelligence – where mind to mind communication is facilitated, recorded, combined and shared. Most all the technologies already exist to increase machine-human communication bandwidth many powers of 1000. Immersive experiences using machines is possible now.
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“Invisible” is click bait, detectors are data and technology, Dark matter can be made in many practical ways

Astro4Space: Do you think dark matter stars exist? at Do not say, “invisible”. You must say “not detectable to {a list of detectors}” and carefully note the conditions and details. “Invisible” is “click bait”. Detectors are science, technology and useful knowledge. If you post the data behind the images, and give all the specific,
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Schwinger (Dyon) Fields – links to neutrino fields, gluon fields, particle fields, mass fields, Higgs fields, vacuum fields, gravitational fields

Schwinger (Dyon) Fields – links to neutrino fields, gluon fields, particle fields, mass fields, Higgs fields, vacuum fields, gravitational fields Maury Goodman ( has a wonderful Neutrino newsletter “Long Baseline news” for Aug 2024. #DUNEScience The last link is Leonid Slad’s paper. Maury’s August newsletter is at and the Index is at For
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Dyon fields + True AIs must keep lossless versions of everything, they must memorize their source data and references

Yi Ma @YiMaTweets  9.11 is still larger than 9.8, despite can memorize solutions to PhD level questions. Again, memorizing is not understanding and knowledge is not intelligence. Replying to @YiMaTweets Dyon fields + True AIs must keep lossless versions of everything, they must memorize their source data and references Yi Ma, Humans can let the
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Multiple states at once, superposition and entanglement

Facebook reels, CosmoKnowledge, Quantum Superposition explained: Multiple states at once, superposition and entanglement Thank you so much. You said “atoms can be in multiple states at once”. I know the states of all atoms, isotopes and particles. But I had never literally considered what “multiple states at once” meant and how to visualize it. Now
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Coordinating dynamic real time systems for sustainable global and heliospheric systems

Radar @RadarHits  8,100 drones in this stunning performance – a new world record set in China. Replying to @RadarHits Filed as: Coordinating dynamic real time systems for sustainable global and heliospheric systems   If the software and technology is shared openly with the world, it could help grow new global and space industries and
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Synthesizing light fields, synthesizing 3D acceleration fields for sustainable global and heliospheric systems

Beautiful China @PDChinaLife A large fleet of drones illuminated the sky over Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in northeast China’s Jilin, with 7,598 drones forming the image of a Siberian tiger, which set a #GuinnessWorldRecord for the largest image formed by multirotor/drones. #DroneShow Replying to @PDChinaLife Filed as: Synthesizing light fields, synthesizing 3D acceleration fields
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If you hate disease and inertia, work on positive and responsible things.

Adriano Aguzzi @AdrianoAguzzi A student told me that he visited a lab to explore a possible postdoc position. He spoke to a dozen people, and no student/postdoc explained him what they were doing or show any data. What a sad, wrong and self-defeating way of doing science. Replying to @AdrianoAguzzi If you hate disease and
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Stop “playing”, calculate properties of billions of atoms and their fields acting together in real time

Zolden @ZoldenGames I keep playing with my molecular simulation, inventing new ways to combine atoms. At least it feels like inventing. Found a way to build a spiral.  Gray is like carbon, black – hydrogen, they build skeleton. Each colored one only attracts same color and gray. Replying to @ZoldenGames Stop “playing”, calculate properties of
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Russia needs more options, not forced into a war before the elections for Bidens’s “media legacy”

Art Berman @aeberman12 “The US’s potential shift on Ukraine’s long-range missile usage comes as Moscow’s forces keep advancing in the Donbas region.” #politics #geopoltics Replying to @aeberman12 Russia needs more options, not forced into a war before the elections for Bidens’s “media legacy” Art, Does this mean, ‘we are just arms dealers’, not at
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