Month: August 2024

Yes, David, Internet search is highly biased and controlled by a few. It can be better

David Ho @_david_ho_ Anyone else notice that search doesn’t really work anymore? It used to be great. Replying to @_david_ho_ In the 26 years of the Internet Foundation, I have seen the Internet as a whole get worse. The terms I mostly use for myself are like “co-opted”, “fiddled” “manipulated”, “gamed”, “biased”. True random
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Famine is easy to solve, “hidden arbitrary decisions by a few” is not

Latimer Alder @latimeralder  Climatistas say that we are all starving because of climate change over the past 60 years. But the United Nations stats say the opposite.  We are not starving.  We have MORE food overall..and more food per person than humanity has ever known.  Don’t let the Climatistas mislead you Replying to @latimeralder I set up
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Storing electrons and ions over 100s and 1000s of kilometers

Storing electrons in cavities over 100s or 1000s of kilometers where they and ions can be stored or retrieved at multiple junctions is just a matter of a bit deeper effort with more sensors, data, models and fast control systems. Most anything you can imagine is tightly constrained by the memes that circulate on
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Solar Photography group on Facebook – comments Is the reason it is white at the edges, because the many colors are mixed, looking through deeper stretches of solar atmosphere? Can you give particulars of lenses, camera, settings, exposure, filters, post-processing, software? I just joined this group and have not had time to look around. I have been following space based and
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Extracting energy from earth’s rotation, UFO methods and operational requirements

Rational UFO POWER & Momentum-Cancelling properties at Extracting energy from earth’s rotation is low yield, but could be done. Easier to use fusion or fission or sunlight or developed methods. But a good practice problem. I was looking for operational requirements, not explanations. What is good about UFO methods that might be desirable, regardless
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Feedback to Copilot

Feedback to Copilot The “learn more” are all PDF downloads. but I want to see the context. The hover data on these links is NOT selectable and cannot be copied. One of them says “AC Measurement of magnetic susceptibility” and my only way to search for that title is to manually type it. There IS
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