quecto to Quetta
I sat in on an online presentation of a company that can print layers of atoms each one atom thick, so you have a layer of one element, then another, then another. It was last year sometime and I cannot remember exactly how thick they made it. But as I recall they were making materials for magnetic detectors sensitive enough to replace SQUID magnetometers but at room temperatures. I was encouraging groups to start working toward picometer resolution, since the nanometer scale is pretty stable now. It means also working at very high sampling frequencies. With careful phase (time) control. Most anything is possible if one is willing to take enough data for long enough. The groups making chips have to use stable platforms to remove seismic and other kinds of vibration. LIGO is at 10^-20 meters or thereabouts, but there are many groups at pico and femtometer (10^-15 meter) . The SI prefixes are a convenient way to classify things on the Internet. It is necessary to allow for processes from quectoMeters (1E-30 meter) to QuettaMeters (1E+30) meters and the corresponding times in quettaSeconds and QuettaSeconds. Notice that I write out the units in full and also capitalized Big units and lowercase small lones. Kilo not kilo. That raw training data for AIs scraped from the Internet, they cannot resolve individual letter prefixes or units well. The classification and encoding required extra steps or it becomes garbage in and garbage out. None of the AIs encodes scientific notation well at all. So they will make mistakes by 20 orders of magnitude routinely and not know that it is wrong. There are groups working outside those bounds, so every few years they add new prefixes.