USGS feedback (which they never read or follow up) for a survey

My comment about ” (which they never read or follow up)” applies to all surveys on the Internet. The surveys that organizations conduct on sites ONLY try to justify current or planned changes.  It never wants or uses any outside opinions. The “survey” is not part of any real effort at improvement, because at site level and Internet level, nothing the group does will make much difference.  The world has a global Internet, but always still acts only in the interest of the person ordering the survey or doing it.  The contractors doing surveys never think for themselves (I have seen no evidence they do).  The “surveys on the internet” global industry, is not organized or “continuously improving” in a planned and orderly way.  All the efforts are too narrow and not thinking of the needs of the humans species. It IS possible. But it takes a lot more effort than “doing what we have always done” alone, for just our organization, for just our country, for just the next budget cycle.”

It is possible to openly and consciously plan at global internet level. At human species level. And begin to change in orderly manner.


You seem to feel you are only allowed to serve US citizens. But the site reaches about 5.4 Billion internet users. I did not see that you serve “all human languages”, nor “all ages and backgrounds” – both are now possible. You spread out topics too much and humans have very finite range to remember and integrate (particularly new to them) material. But there are ways to make information and abilities of groups (what are you working on, what does it affect, who it working on it, where else is there effort and data) human accessible and learnable. only has 2.26 Million results showing on Google today. That says there is a lot that has to be found, the interface learned, and the content guessed.

site:gov “earthquakes” has 1.17 Million entries, and you made NO effort to integrate it at national or global level

“earthquakes” has 206 Million entries. So USGS is not a global resources for one of its fundamental products.


Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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