Category: All knowledge

Work hard, at a sustainable pace, where you remember as much as possible, and what it means

Taejun Kim @taejunkim_13 Hey HCI community, Is there anyone who set their own limits, like hours you spend in a day when running user studies? (e.g. keeping it under 7-8 hours to avoid burnout) If you got any personal rules that you’ve been following, I wanna know! Replying to @taejunkim_13 I have worked alone every
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Symplectic, Simplectic takes a lot more work than its “simple” suggests

Frank Nielsen @FrnkNlsn  Nice thread Jonathan Gorard @getjonwithit  In physics, one often thinks of space and time as being fundamental, pre-existing concepts, and proceeds to define everything else (energy, momentum, forces, etc.) in terms of them. But it doesn’t need to be so – symplectic geometry shows us how to go the other way. (1/16)
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Electrospray and laser assisted “fabrics” and “strings” can be made – up to atomic and nuclear bond energies

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative @ChanZuckerberg Imaging researcher @edithsandstroem + team captured this image in under 12 minutes—the same image generated with the current standard of mass spectrometers would take more than 3 days! Replying to @ChanZuckerberg and @edithsandstroem The electrospray Taylor cone approach for surface tension (surface energy) might well be applied to carbon, boron,
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Link properly to research you want found and used – on the busy and crowded Internet

Please include links and background with images.   Apparently Edith Sandstrom is at Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Research Institute (M4i) at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. The Alison N Hulme Research Group seems to be in the School of Chemistry at Edinburgh. Edith works on “Historical textile dye analysis using Desorption electrospry ionization mass spectrometry”.
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Bangladesh needs many things for everyone, before quantum toys for a few

Preschool Lecture on Quantum Mechanics – This is the wrong way to teach quantum technologies, for Bangladesh that has many needs before playing with technologies that require specialized resources only available at high price from other places. You need to start with what you want to do, and then find the best tools and
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“Plant the deserts?”, see what would happen, in detail

Peter D Carter @PCarterClimate  IPCC AR6 MITIGATION: 1.5C TOO LATE 2C IMMEDIATE DECLINE AR6 projections confirms 1.5C too late & 2°C requires immediate global emissions decline. 2°C planet catastrophe. For your Kid’s sake End Fossil Fuel Subsidies #CO2 #climatechange #globalwarming Replying to @PCarterClimate I am fairly certain that if all the deserts are
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Using old labels very often prevents the insight needed to “just do it”

Deep Prasad (yug-cybera) @Deepneuron I should crack anti-gravity. Replying to @Deepneuron It is not “anti-gravity” it is “a synthetic acceleration field” that you design and apply for real tasks. Not magic, just plain old “gravitational engineering”. No cheating, no magic, no smoke and mirrors and false promises. Just “move it with fields”. And lots
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Global problems can be “whittled away”

Pádraic Fogarty @whittledaway  “We studied 230 fisheries around the world. We found populations of many overfished species are in far worse condition than has been reported, and the sustainability of fisheries was overstated” We need a global treaty to end all industrial fishing Replying to @whittledaway If you produce “fish” from other sources that
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