Author: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

Internet Global Open Resources, Global Open Tokens I try to read and review internet content of all kinds. When I see people wasting time, it bothers me. When millions of people waste time it is bad. When billions waste years each, a catastrophe. The properties of air and electrical circuits are well known. Air is about 2.5 Kilogram/Meter^3 and molar mass
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Peter Higgs Boson – for heliospheric industrial applications

Robert Garisto @RobertGaristo  Here is text and equation (2b) where Peter Higgs described his boson in his 1964 @PhysRevLett (free to read) Replying to @RobertGaristo and @PhysRevLett This would have been much more useful it if was available to me in 1966. And now, in symbolic math format, rather than pixels on the
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The future of India, the future of the human species

How Indian Software Engineer Industry is Changing at In order to have “solar system colonization” and a heliospheric economy, many problems need to be solved. All new industries, all new kinds of jobs. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation There are about 8.1 Billion humans now, and 2 Billion from 4-24 that I call “first time
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Permuting species and “If Einstein had never been born” Comment: (If Einstein were not born): They say generalist species are more important. But in fact parallel developing specialists and individuals can far outnumber and have more influence than large nodes with many links. I track these “bubbling up” topics on the Internet and try to find and encourage them to form new global
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Global Open Networks, Global Software Networks, Global Data Networks, all Data Networks, all Software Networks @elonmusk “Global Software Networks” – Lossless, efficient, reliable, sustainable, accessible, auditable, traceable, trustworthy, above reproach, open, #GlobalOpenNetworks #GlobalSoftwareNetorks  “Global Data Networks”- Lossless, efficient, reliable, sustainable, accessible, auditable, traceable, trustworthy, above reproach, open, #GlobalOpenNetworks #GlobalDataNetorks   If it is not Lossless, efficient, reliable, sustainable, accessible, auditable, traceable, trustworthy, above reproach, open, – it will not
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Use Atomic and Nuclear fuels on Mars and Moon and “out there”

Time Travelers Clup?  Artificial intelligence solved the oxygen problem on Mars at Running calculations for a set of chemical reactions to search for yields and economics is what chemists, particularly those working at global or heliospheric scale, do. Ask a chatbot to run a program with data is not intelligence on the part of
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