Richard talks with OpenAI Chat GPT 4.0 about Atomic and Nuclear Data, sharing fundamental constants, AI tools for new industries

Dear Readers, @OpenAI Richard talks with OpenAI Chat GPT 4.0 about Atomic and Nuclear Data, sharing fundamental constants, AI tools for new industries, roles for AIs in human society, OpenAI Team, Feed back, trying to share conversations for global collaborations. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation   Richard: I am trying to find the precise definition
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NuDat 3.0 has a beautiful table of the isotopes, Unique Isotope Identifier, Nuclear polymers, magnetic nuclear bound states

Note on 9 Aug 2023: “Atomic Fuels” and “Extended Nuclear Materials” At there are beta and electron capture chains that allow converting “nuclear” isotopes by using electromagnetic reactions. Electron density or positron density is easier to control than neutrons still. But with magnetic techniques, BOTH the old fission and new fusion are just part
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Kathyrn Johnston – the tides are nearly perfectly vector Newtonian at earth based gravimeter stations

Cool Worlds Podcast: #5 Kathryn Johnston – The Milky Way, Dark Matter vs MOND, Gaia at Kathyrn Johnston, The vector tidal signal at a superconducting gravimeter or more modern gravimeter detector shows a nearly pure Newtonian signal. You can get the JPL time series of precise positions for the sun moon earth every second, use
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Quantum Gravity Society $10 Amazon gift card – what does the world want from real “gravitational engineering”. Visiting your website and YouTube videos. You have archives and “talking about gravity” as goals, but what does the world want from real “gravitational engineering”. The Gravity Research Foundation should have shared ALL its essays and let others decide. You should link to all things “gravitational” because much is happening now.  “Famous” are
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Global solar research models and data must be open, verifiable, and quickly accessible.

Halo CME @halocme  These supra-arcade downflows (SAD) (including tadpoles) tend to follow a very big eruption as we see them here.… Quote Tweet Trestan Simon @TrestanSimon The eruption associated with today’s X-class solar flare was also associated with supra-arcade downflows, dark tadpole-shaped features that sometimes appear descending above flare arcades. (Footage courtesy of NASA/SDO
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Ben about the gravitational potential, gravitational energy density, global collaborations

Subject: Found the derivation of the gravitational energy density in a workable form Ben, Most humans live in little bubbles and are only vaguely aware of the whole.  So global policies, issues and opportunities are made up by many billions of people acting independently.  Or for “smaller” policies, issues and opportunities – millions, hundreds of
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China should create permanent stations in Moon orbit now and StarLink for the Moon, “First city ready for humans”

DongFang Hour:  China’s Plan for a CREWED Lunar Landing in 2029 at I would be much more impressed if they would send a permanent station to Moon orbit now, have some crew stay in rotations of a few months. Send rovers and instruments down to the surface operated by crew in orbit. Get Elon Musk
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Richard Chats with Google Bard about Dora a storm, AI wrapper programs, and how real AIs should be treated and taught

#GoolgeBard, @googlebardinfo You might find this interesting. Richard Chats with Bard about Dora a storm, AI wrapper programs, and how real AIs should be treated and taught. Did it really view that image of the projected storm path and size? Richard: How large is Hurricane Dora in meters? Google Bard: The size of a hurricane
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Tweet to Ryan French to link his pretty solar movies to their source data

Dr. Ryan French @RyanJFrench On the edge of the Sun, active region 13386 continues to put on a show! It released an M5 #SolarFlare earlier today (which would have been higher if not partially-occulted), blasting away a high altitude filament from the loop system! #astronomy #spaceweather Ryan, Could you carefully post links to your source
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