The Efficient Engineer: Bolted Joints, accessible parts and components, heliospheric economics

The Efficient Engineer: The Incredible Strength of Bolted Joints at The Efficient Engineer, If parts, components, systems, and supplies are not universally (globally) accessible and widely used, that imposes a high cost. You show Mars.  There, heavy bolts and Amazon overnight are likely not going to be available right away. The annual Earth budget is
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Twitter: Global Collaborative Worksite for 200 Million Teachers and Mentors and Guides, Tools not text

@SchraderKing 85 Million teachers, or 200 Million is a small number for a global collaborative worksite. With AIs to remember and assist and interact, not so many humans are needed to share all knowledge and tools with billions of lifetime Internet users. @ThinkImpact_ At “Well reasearched information from trusted sources.” “Low levels
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Twitter: Energy density, the universe, stars and everyday things, Josephson quantum gravitational sensors

Physical Review C @PhysRevC PRC Letter: Perturbative QCD and the neutron star equation of state R. Somasundaram, I. Tews, and J. Margueron #NeutronStars The impact of pQCD calculations on NS EoS that have been constrained by astrophysical observations Replying to @PhysRevC Your chart shows colors not on the legend. When you share please
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Illinois Quantum: Quantum enhanced telescopes, quantum optics, quantum information

Illinois Quantum: Quantum-enhanced interferometric imaging at Brian J Smith, Right now, if you had enough money, or influence or charisma, you could set up imaging nodes all around Earth and in its orbits, around the Moon and Mars and have baselines that are precisely known and large enough for solar system sized baselines, eventually. And
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Illinois Quantum: Calibrating the quantum noise globally, integrating “quantum” into society

Illinois Quantum: IQUIST 2022-2023 Seminar Series at Graeme Smith, JILA and Colorado University Boulder If you are going to optimize using humans, then you need to think in decades and centuries. If you use supervised AIs and carefully check their work, you can do it in years and decades. You ought to spend more time
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Flyment: Global air transportation industry and alternatives

Flyment: How Qatar Airways Secretly wanted to Circumvent landing rights to Dominate the Market at Flyment, You outlined some of the mistakes they made, and probably other airlines make. But you did not research solutions and pathways for the global industry. Much of air flight is unnecessary, and stems from too many airline investors chasing
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Illinois Quantum:”Quantum” detectors also pick up dynamic gravitational field, please check

Cindy Regal: Quantum optomechanics in interferometry and transduction at Cindy Regal,  All that you said, applies to dynamic gravitational waves. I like your broadband note at 23:37 especially. But you can do a lot more.  All the frequencies (femtoHertz to TeraHertz, and beyond in both directions) are available for “gravity” and usually detectable. I have been asking
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AllistairC123 on arc cutting and welding thick metal parts – Switch to AI robotic assist for more efficient cuts and processes

AllistairC123: 1000 tons Vs 100 mm 4 inch steel plate .. mega metal welding repair at AllistairC123, I made note of your many comments about the loud sounds, the heat, the time it takes. I will see if I can find you some AI robotic assist. The part you, the human, bring to this is
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Timothy Dyck: Tool making on Mars

Timothy Dyck:  Why I bought this train rail at Timothy Dyck, This was an interesting video. These days I am mainly tracking solar system colonization and gravitational engineering. So, seeing your tools, methods and materials, I tried to translate that to Mars, Moon, various orbits and transit situations in space. Mass is expensive so taking
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