Category: Global Climate Change

Comment on The Civic Went on an Diet

The Civic Went A Diet with a serious weight reduction I think you can take off the back doors and replace them with lightweight panels. This made me think, I wonder what would happen if you could buy a “barebones car”, like “barebones computer”? No interior, no heater or AC, then add components as
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Comment on Kaoru GreenEmerald – The Whole History of the Earth and Life Kaoru GreenEmerald – The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】 As far as I can tell, this is an artistic interpretation of things you have read, thought about, and imagined. There are no links to source materials, data, models, groups, or calibrations. Yet, all the things mentioned, or hinted at, are
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Google’s calculators and unit conversion groups not working together towards common goals

Would like to be able to increase decimals, force display in scientific notation, and have versions of the calculator for different problems. “One size fits all” might work for a dozen people, but for billions, never. I would like to be able to open the calculator directly and have it remember my preferences, save types
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Fall of Civilizations should be Changes of Civilizations – video comment

8. The Sumerians – Fall of the First Cities I would call it “Changes in Civilizations” and give a global context. Heard and saw many things I will try to remember. I especially appreciate the narrative on global climate change and sea level rise as a historical force. It made me wonder if the
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Comment on a sunset image posted on Facebook – purpose, uses and sharing of live camera streams on the Internet

Peggy, I keep suggesting that you put in an all sky camera as a live feed to YouTube. I have been reviewing live videos like that on the Internet, and there are many of beaches, cities, mountains, forests, nature. I have found thousands of them and study them as a new Internet resource for education,
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Cream Cheese, Jalapenos and the future of the human species

Cream Cheese, Jalapenos and the future of the human species I am trying to reduce my use of butter, so rather than making toast with butter I used cream cheese today. Since I am curious about the health value of foods as a topic on the Internet, I decided to add diced jalapenos. Then, because
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Balloon Videos, Allsky and HalfSky Cameras on the Internet

UFOs Unexpected Flying Objects on a Peaceful Morning – I am reviewing live videos on the Internet, but seldom have time to just enjoy them. I made a second video of the balloons, but tried to add a magnifier to the video to show them larger. I want to add many tools to make
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Comment on Figma video – make your own interactive global forum, let everyone use it for free

How we Jam: FigJam for Designers at You took an interactive and collaborative environment and transferred it to a one way only, no feedback format when you put this on YouTube. You should have Figma be able to talk to the whole Internet (about 4.8 billion with some access) and then listen and let
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Why did the Google molecular weight of methane come out as 20.067?

Hello, I was working on atmospheric composition and asked google methane pubchem molecular weight It came up with 20.067 which traces to Now I am tired, but carbon is 12.011 and hydrogen is 1.008*4, so the total should be closer to 16.011 Is this page supposed to be deuterated?  12.011 + 2*4.0282035557 = 20.067407
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Comments about the International Cloud Atlas hosted by the Hong Kong Observatory

Hello, I am visiting and I keep seeing this red note: Links in the image description will highlight features on the image. Mouse over the features for more detail. But, it actually requires a click for the region on the image to be outlined.  The instruction are correct, but should probably be in blue,
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