Balloon Videos, Allsky and HalfSky Cameras on the Internet
UFOs Unexpected Flying Objects on a Peaceful Morning –
I am reviewing live videos on the Internet, but seldom have time to just enjoy them. I made a second video of the balloons, but tried to add a magnifier to the video to show them larger. I want to add many tools to make the information in these continuous feeds more useful to the billions of Internet users. YouTube only seems to know tiktok and ads and fads. But research, education, global community development – many reasons people might share their data – visual and otherwise. I have some super-resolution methods that should work to give high resolution in cases like this where the object is moving in a precise track-able path. There are lots of night time videos that are too dark, and many where zoom, intensity control, and capture or tracking would be useful.
One group I spend a lot of time on now is “all sky camera”. These are comet, weather, satellite, clouds, star, sun, planet, plane, bird, insect, animal, people — watchers and researchers. Hard to describe things where hundreds of millions of people are doing something independently and with no standards or coordination.
Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation