Note to NIST about gold Au typos The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals

I was looking at The Thermal Expansion of Pure Metals: Copper, Gold, Aluminum, Nickel, and Iron at
It has a spreadsheet.  In the “Au data” sheet
There is a temperature 38136.  I think that ought to be 381.36.

The value for 157 centigrade, 37.3417?  Should it be 0.00373417?

The value at 34.6 centigrade, should that be positive 0.0007672?  Or should the temperature by -34.6 C?  I chose to change it to positive.  See below.
The value at 251 centigrade is an invalid number.  The values on either side are 0.0060817, so I put 0.0060817 as the value, but there is no paper or links or groups to explain the method, sources or purpose. You used Excel, a proprietary format, and should have used tab separated format, or comma separated format to be more open.  If you had added graphics, it is a little hard to make that work well for Excel, Sheets, LibreOffice Calc and other systems. But not impossible, just a bit tedious.
That little glitch at 254.7 C (see below) looks funny.
Also, on your contact page at  It is requiring login for feedback.  I think a more courteous and open method would be to ask for name and contact information on the feedback form, NOT require it before taking what might well be simple feedback and correction comments.  Asking for contact information as a requirement is a bit too intrusive.  Especially if it also requires a password and more or less permanent records.  I did not want to create yet another login, but if I did give feedback, I might include the spreadsheet.  Your email system probably block anything with an attachment. But you can allow attachments to feedback or contact forms, and easily segregate and isolate to prevent spam.  You can check size and content, but generally most people are not malicious, just trying to be helpful.  NIST is one of the good guys on the Internet.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
They should really have gone down to liquid helium temperatures at least. Do not take the polynomial to heart. I was just using it to look for typos. This kind of measurement could be automated now, and run at regular intervals, the methods, apparatus, results, errors, trends over time can all be shared. There ought to be metric, fundamental measurements in every school in the world, including the online education and training.  I think traditional brick and mortar schools will be in the minority eventually, and they ALL will need lab data – which can be run automatically, openly.  One that I really think ought to be run at many locations around the world is the Franck-Hertz experiment.  It is fundamental to the development of transistors and vacuum plasma technologies, and to concept of ionization and energy.  Running it continuously online at several labs would provide a wealth of data for machine learning practice, and basic modeling and simulation. There are many such that are low cost and stable.
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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