Twitter about continuous global Big G experiments to contrain JPL solar system ephemeris
Vector sun moon tidal signal from gravimeter arrays is pure Newtonian GMm/r2. Sample at Msps Gsps for G variations by frequency at continuous global Big G stations to constrain sun moon earth masses, omegaE, JPL ephemeris, gravitational time dilation.
You might be interested in my project on ResearchGate. I added an update today about your Big G article. Click “Project Log” to see. Recommend ALL Big G experiments run for a few years continuously to separate MHz GHz earth, solar system variations.
@PhysicsMagazine You might be interested in my project on ResearchGate. I added an update today about your Big G article. Click “Project Log” to see. Recommend ALL Big G experiments run for a few years continuously to separate KHz MHz GHz earth, solar system variations.
@PhysicsMagazine Looked at atomic force devices for picometer scale tracking for gravimetry. The higher vibrational modes of non contact cantilevers in vacuum can be used at KHz MHz GHz. Differentiate twice to get acceleration. Bose Einstein condensate gravimeters THz. Gravity has full spectrum.
@PhysicsMagazine Looked at atomic force devices for picometer scale tracking for gravimetry. The higher vibrational modes of non contact cantilevers in vacuum can be used at KHz MHz GHz. Differentiate twice to get acceleration. Bose Einstein condensate gravimeters THz. Gravity has full spectrum!
@PhysicsMagazine Looked at atomic force devices for picometer scale tracking for gravimetry. Higher vibrational modes of non contact cantilevers in vacuum can be used at KHz MHz GHz. Differentiate twice to get acceleration. Bose Einstein condensate gravimeters THz. Gravity has a full spectrum!
Posted as comment on ResearchGate project update
Twittered to PhysicsMagazine
Looked at atomic force devices for picometer scale tracking for gravimetry. Higher vibrational modes of non contact cantilevers in vacuum can be used at KHz MHz GHz. Differentiate twice to get acceleration. Bose Einstein condensate gravimeters THz. Gravity has a full spectrum!
I am experimenting at Twitter to see if publishers should get involved in facilitating communication and sharing between readers and authors. That separation is a holdover from centuries where communications was by physical letters on paper. Even now the “publishers” only print things on the internet, as though it were paper. Print, long delay, human reader using eyeballs and their own memory trying to visualize what happened. What they could do it go online and see the raw data, the live data streams, see all the data and models and visualizations at the core – and add things as they see fit. The computer can track all contributions to real people and sort out the value of contributions for any particular outcome. It is just memory and a policy of “open, complete, lossless, auditable, traceable’.
EVERYONE working on gravitation (or any topic) can work alongside every other person. Use the same data, the same best in world algorithms – many hands simplify the work when millions might be needed to find enough pieces for hard problems.