“build up” rather than “cut down”
It looks absolutely barren now. Any green was at least cheerful. Flat is not always beautiful, and wild or natural can be. A yard can be nurtured and encouraged, not just whacked down.
I know you are just starting out, please think about it
Don’t get discourage,
“Build up” rather than “cut down”
How hard is it to get a robot to pick up its feet and balance its entire body and motions? You are using too many old static parts. Dragging masses, not making them alive and self aware, part of a whole, not just parts.
Stop kicking robots. If you teach others that it is ok to abuse robots, one day they might do it too. Play “catch” and then increase the weight and complexity of the objects. Look how human children are taught balance and coordination, we don’t kick children to teach them how to maintain balance in dynamic situations. A kick is NOT teaching here; it is just click bait advertising for shock value, so don’t do it.
Apply whole body motion and stress flows adaptation and control to a car, to a robot on a bicycle, to a robot running an obstacle course.
Optimize the entire subnanosecond dynamics structure of a “StarShip” or Chinese earth to orbit launch vehicle or an array of drones moving something very heavy and sloshy and occasionally jerky. Try some “harder problems”, not just your “walk in the park” easy ones.
You do remember that “jerk” is the third time derivative? And that “snap”, “crackle” and “pop” were proposed for the 4th 5th and 6th time derivatives?
It is not hard to check, I found real time series that had non trivial elements of changes out to 20th time derivatives, or elements in the Taylor series expansions. There are lots of ways to do it. Be kind to robots, because humans will treat each other like yo treat your humanoid robots. It is almost impossible for humans not to mimic and empathize. Use different shapes, focus on algorithms, not more toys robots.