Views and “answers” are useless without curation and effort at global scale

Views and “answers” are useless without curation and effort at global scale
That requires measuring and deep mapping in vivo. If you measure to that level, the data is worth more to global research communities, than any ten thousands analyses by individuals. Views and ideas are not captured and coordinated globally, so “what the people think” is scattered and hardly ever comes to anything.
You could go look and answer your own question in a fraction of the time to get useful answers by posting on the Internet. And even if someone did give you the answer most useful to you and your goals, would you even trust it, or make the changes in your world view that you are missing so you do not already know the answer to this one?

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

That information is mined and studied extensively. But not shared in global open formats in a global system with fair and efficient policies, open access and ease of use, reports and open analyses. Examine your group’s motives. Are you doing it for gwd (global world domination) or to actually help the world run better for all 8.2 billion humans, related living species, and an emerging AI species that might put us all to rest?

You better not limit yourselves to one kind of screen layout and interaction. “podcast” dropped long ago and there are tens of thousands of variations now where humans and AIs attempt to use sounds and lights and touch for Internet communication. Do the whole job, not just a tiny fragment where your collection is not integrated into the whole.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Your picture only starts something in the brain for a few seconds. But what the human species needs is the living data linking all the groups who are affected and have to change. It is a “global project”, not a depth-less one time picture.

You cannot pick up a jellyfish by pushing it with chopsticks, you have to use both hands, or have many hands coordinating their efforts. Or make a purpose-built device or tool.

You can try stabbing it, but that kills what you are trying to help – presumably.

First time ever seeing the title, “Senior Visual Journalist”. Sounds good, hope they pay you.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Rather than posting press releases and ads – invest to search and find, gather and organize, the people who need this. They are out there on the Internet and not well served by publicists using methods from paper technologies of the past. Shouting at the world does not inform, it just adds to the chaos. A whisper to the right people is sufficient rather than sticking notes all over the Internet, hoping to make spaghetti stick to the wall.

This is a fundamental topic and you are not giving it sufficient effort. It affects drug delivery and targeting generally.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation


I was doing this at Georgetown University Center for Population Research in 1980 using an Apple II as a graphics interface to a main frame. Then more and more the microcomputers allowed sharing tools and global scale knowledge with all humans, in all countries, for all things and goals.
Images create inner response in humans, but any image does that. Where is the data, who uses it, what are they doing? Is what they are doing effective in the world?
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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