Solving DNA cases in a zen like, wordless state

My Comment: Solving DNA cases in a zen like, wordless state

Solving DNA cases is like that. Because it works best if you keep the entire pedigree of all the DNA matches, the people in each tree, their places and generations – in mind at once, your brain will make the connections. But it means working fast, with moderate to full attention that can be sustained. On many cases 30 hours is common. The longest was 72 hours. Never again.

Now I am old and tired, and I remember how to do it, and have taught others. But the solution is to make the robotic arms, the precise and accurate relevant sensors, the algorithms that you test and test and make the machines learn. Machine learning is like human learning, mastery, and professionalism. You do it until is is unconscious. I often say it is a zen state with no words. Words are too crude and slow, so you use your muscle memory, visions and feeling parts of your brain to store your whole experience. Then it works effortlessly – after you have done it for 10,000 to 80,000 hours.

For those of you who do not know what a “DNA case” is, that is where you take DNA genealogy test results for someone who is adopted, and then build their entire 6 generation pedigrees from the DNA alone, no clue about the person. It is for adoptions, missing fathers, donor conceived (egg, sperm, egg and sperm) and “my DNA does not match my tree”.  It is routine now, but it was an innovation a decade ago.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Humans are capable of much more than they can imagine. The AI designers do not have the experience to design systems that work closer to the peak of human performance. They can only make toys, because they (the hired workers) never did any real work in the real world.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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