Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana asking about cost of housing and home ownership and just surviving now

Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana asking about cost of housing and home ownership and just surviving now

I think Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) would have been more effective if he had asked the witness to describe how population increase of any kind would affect the cost of buying a home, raising the cost of homes, and raising the cost of owning and maintain a home. The witness wanted to explain the process of thinking he would use to answer a question he did not know the full answer to. Laying out the factors that drive cost of homes in the US higher and higher might help make those processes more visible and understandable.

[ The media, candidates, politicians, groups should post their analyses, data, issues, and solution online for the world to see and help solve – in near real time – where humans and AIs can help process it all fairly. It needs constant effort towards global continuous improvements for all things. ]

Yes all this talk about illegal immigrants is difficult without real data. My impression is they are not made citizens, but are being processed by some legal rules when they are allowed across the borders. Maybe there are many coming in illegally as well. It is hard because news outlets are not gathering and reporting statistics. Agencies take years to report and track, even when something is considered critical or active or emerging. Perhaps some things ought to be monitored and reported openly in real time. And the records made auditable, verifiable and reported clearly. Paper based organizations of any size are slow and usually inaccessible. Adding computers and AI to the mix does not make organizations and government business processes open, verifiable and accessible.

Homelessness is not just the ones in tents and emergency shelters, or living in RVs and cars. Nor millions of families stacking generations together because no one can afford overbuilt and expensive- to-maintain housing. The reason many of the immigrants are coming is they receive more care than they do in their original country. Or they have been pushed out of their home country by economics, open conflicts, and other things. It is NOT impossible to map those sorts of things in detail. But difficult to impossible for citizens to do alone. Government knowledge ought to be shared with citizens and people living in a place – so all are able to live together and safely and efficiently. Casting government agencies and systems into “always slow, never efficient, always bureaucratic” is often true, but that expectation could be changed – certainly where many separate levels of government, many private concerns, many global issues are colliding and interacting in real time to affect 8.2 Billion humans trying to survive in a world where borders between countries mostly do not matter. Or perhaps ought not to matter if global citizens are treated fairly by all regions of the world and by all groups without borders on the Internet.

The Internet makes all things somewhat more visible. One president acting as a media outlet for 100s of Millions of people living in one region of the world does not make any sense. All federal, state and local agencies now use the Internet. But they all make up their own methods and rules. Most are NOT open, verifiable, accessible (easy enough to use where it matters) and fair. For real time emerging issues that are often now drivien by wars in other countries, climate all over the planet, trade and industries and competition and financial manipulations globally and regionally and locally. I ought to try to be sophisticated and analytic. But after 26 years watching and trying to understand, I just call the Internet “a mess”. And the gov and edu parts are some of the worst. Media perhaps ought to have it own domain and held to standards where they are required to post solutions for problems, not just generate revenues by endlessly shouting “click bait” and “buzz words”.

I do not have time to track US government processes. It is rather a mess on the Internet and impossible to change. Easier to change the UN or watch global groups. I was going to send a note to John Kennedy’s email just in case his staff or AIs and computers actually read things and look at implications and knowledge. But his staff and site builders created narrow categories of what they would process for him. Not including his wishes and interests at all.

Senator, I respect you. You are not debating, you ought to be trying to help everyone see how things actually work and then point out where change is needed and possible. I wish I were smarter, younger and had better tools to see the world in real time for all things. I think that is possible, but not by media that only hypes the problems and does not hold themselves accountable to also working toward realistic and sustainable solutions for all humans, not just a few.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation


Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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