Multiple states at once, superposition and entanglement

Facebook reels, CosmoKnowledge, Quantum Superposition explained:

Multiple states at once, superposition and entanglement

Thank you so much. You said “atoms can be in multiple states at once”. I know the states of all atoms, isotopes and particles. But I had never literally considered what “multiple states at once” meant and how to visualize it. Now I can see any sets of atoms in any combinations of states and it is just a database problem, not difficult at all. The details might be hard, but you find the people who know best, or figure it out from scratch. Put it in a model and let the computer keep track. Now I have a way to handle many mechanical problems, social and economic problems — anywhere where entities can do many things at once for sustained times so that it is simply necessary to write down or let the computer keep track of all the schedules, timings and inter dependencies. Your visualizations are too much “dazzle”and not enough “data” for me. So I do not look at them but read your words. Thank you. That also lets me sort out decades of reading about “entanglement” and “superposition” because it is simply entities each with many detail state datasets.And I can work out the transitions for any combinations of states most of them with differential and integral equations, orthogonal representations and simply writing down all the data in an open format.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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