NEVER share static ‘ink on paper’ forms, but real models and tools for billions of humans to work together for all

Brianna Bibel @biochem_bri I added another one of my charts to Zenodo. Here’s the link & citation. As always, hope it helps!

Bibel, B., & The bumbling biochemist. (2024). Expanded TCA cycle (TriCarboxylic Acid Cycle, aka Citric Acid Cycle, aka Krebs cycle). Zenodo.
Replying to @biochem_bri

Make it a living tool to share and collaborate with all humans and true-AIs. Never share static ink on paper, but give tools and systems to have all the data, the methods — and a global open community. Lobby Zenodo to “get off your __ and give us ways to share real tools, real simulations, real models, real data, real projects, real futures. Let Zenodo community member create things that work and where all humans can benefit. A “real” model of all metabolic and industrial chemical processes would be fun, and then Zenodo can make links to “try it”, “do it”, “make it”, “replicate it”, “share it”, “start it”, “fund it”, “collaborate  it”, “invest in it”.
Filed as (NEVER share static ink on paper forms, but real models and tools for billions of humans to work together for all)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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