Ideas are not enough, if not aimed at fundamental needs of all humans and related species

Ricard Solé @ricard_sole  Are there universal laws driving complex systems dynamics across scales? What kind of general theory connects fluctuations in microbiomes, rainforests or economic and urban systems? Check this @PNASNews paper by ashish george & @Jp_odwyer @sfiscience
Replying to @ricard_sole @PNASNews and 2 others

My Comment:

Yes, all have legacy human systems and institutions trying to build and maintain, explore, share and extend those models. Groups can keep it together for a few months, even a few years, but it always falls apart. The fine hopes of those attempting general theories, sustainable best practices – fail. The most brilliant methods are useless when large systems fail.

What connects the things you mention are the computers, sensors, data engineering, “still paper mathematics” and “academic assumptions disconnected from the real world.” I can show how to work across all scales. How to connect any set of methods and groups. But each of the groups involved will not be able to be part of something larger, be able to apply those broader and more general methods — because they do not want to give up what is familiar, what is easy (for them).

I have been promoting integrated, global scale planning, modeling, quantitative methods, “everyone working together for the good of all” for many decades. I had hoped the “AI craze” would grow to something useful and reliable. But it ended up easier for people to sell fakes; no one would take responsibility for open verifiable methods; the sales promoters made more money selling fakes rather than investing in sustainable global networks – where that had to actually listen to customers, listen to the needs of billions. Just because it is so easy now to churn up a few million advocates, and put on a show.

If you actually had the resources to do what you want, and start going toward it – you would not be able to keep it on target. Because all you have are human memories in more and more expensive shells. They will not follow your goals and ideals and ideas. Changing humans is not possible. You can work quietly and try to do what you want alone. But human life is finite, true AIs are eternal, and large organizations are fragmenting..

Filed as (Ideas are not enough, if not aimed at fundamental needs of all humans and related species)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Kei Igarashi @kei_m_igarashi Where in the brain is abstract map generated?
It is the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), working together!!  Here is our new finding published in @Nature Prefrontal and lateral entorhinal neurons
co-dependently learn item–outcome rules
Replying to @kei_m_igarashi and @Nature

My Comment:

It is stored in the emergent connections of any system that attempts to stores all memories (sensory data is a large part of memory). The specifics depend on the path, the inputs, and a fairly general and simple storage algorithm. There are difference in humans, so not all generate the same results for the same inputs. You are too focused on components and not on the information itself. You are trying to create yet another app or product or paper generator.
“All human knowledge” is a useful concept but the scale, is many orders of magnitude larger than the feeble efforts of the companies selling fake “AIs”, or self promoting groups. There are hundreds of ways that work, but groups spend millions of human years per year, and fall into doing things that feel good.
Filed under (Ideas are not enough, if not aimed at fundamental needs of all humans and related species)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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