Global open resources with global ids for real things – any assemblies are made of traceable parts

Andrew Lampinen @AndrewLampinen Nice analysis, but I’m a little surprised that people are surprised by this. The basic tactics that any decent chess player will find (forks, pins, etc.) are 2+ move combinations; they can be noticed by patterns but you need to look ahead to verify they work in context 1/3…
Erik Jenner @jenner_erik Do chess-playing neural nets rely purely on simple heuristics? Or do they implement algorithms involving *look-ahead* in a single forward pass?

We find clear evidence of 2-turn look-ahead in a chess-playing network, using techniques from mechanistic interpretability!
Replying to @AndrewLampinen

Global open resources with global ids for real things – any assemblies are made of traceable parts. The more memory you have, the more exact solutions can be stored and one-shot remembered (lossless indexed) – in context. Finance, refinery control systems, machine vision, all of STEMC and more. The larger, more stable, more widely accessible and agreed, the faster the assembly of solutions, and evaluation of useful pathways. And, the more, immediately tied to real data and uses. At true global scale, all the pieces are known. And this can be done with distributed memory and distributed processing – with global open resources, global collaboration, not everyone for themselves.

It requires links between concepts and things in all human and domain specific languages. So global translation and access for all humans in all languages is built in. Human, STEMC (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing) and all the domain specific languages are built it. And since all human are involved in building, verification, best practices, reliability, and open best practices – each person (or AI) can use the best in world, not only what they can afford, or their country and wealth afford.

It is global sharing that remove restriction on growth and use. When the knowledge is free to all, the only restriction on individual wealth is not power, but collaboration. Users all can see what things are used for, and all impacts and uses. Any human or AI can see all that is known about earth, solar system, the larger Universe. And their memory is not limited to their brain but to what is known and stored.

23 Jun 2024 is the 26th Anniversary of the Internet Foundation.
Filed as (Global open resources with global ids for real things – any assemblies are made of traceable parts)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

Jatin Rao Saini @ja3rao Ever wondered what happens inside a soap bubble?
Check out our latest work, “Dynamics of soap bubble inflation”, published in @PhysRevFluids

@sidd2203 @Saptars63622200 @Basulab_IISc @iiscbangalore
#research #bubble #vortex
Replying to @ja3rao @PhysRevFluids and 4 others

I would like to play with it, without having to maintain your whole development environment, and linked so when I create new things and examples – that require optimization of the model(s) – that is done seamlessly.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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