All groups can make lunar civilization, stop wasting money on useless “brag”

China needs smarter planners for moon projects. An orbital infrastructure for the Moon would let ANY groups get communication, memory and powerful computing to projects and experiments on the far side. Real planning, collaboration, real infrastructure can help whole generations work efficiently and with much less risk.

Every country “doing its own thing” where the whole is fragmented and not one system, by plan and cooperation – is stupid at human evolution scale. China lets a tiny few people, who do NOT know everything, make decisions, when they could easily enable hundreds of millions to help on projects of lunar, global and heliospheric scale. India is even worse, because they waste more people. One ordinary human, enabled with global knowledge and continuously improving open methods, can be valued, can be smarter than any fake AI.  A living wage for a hundred million in India working toward the future. Another hundred million in dozens of countries. The best AIs with memory and tools themselves to explore in tandem. And the whole can be planned and monitored and made fair for the whole human (and related) species.

A metric TON of moon rocks you can probably sell for the cost of returning it and save lots of countries the cost of duplicating things that can be traded. A service to scoop samples is more sustainable than one-shot demos. Do not waste energy sending humans to the surface, send robots controlled from orbital AIs to get it and send it back to earth. Or to Earth-orbital research stations and processing facilities that any group can rent, or trade something.
Think!!! Plan!!! Work globally, not for strut and stunts and demos. Think, at least, beyond three human lifetimes. Ancient dynasties – China and India and others – at least make an effort to plan for a common future.
Robot stations in Moon orbit  could handle trans-shipments, fuel, and supplies. If China cannot design and build automated orbital support and communication — for the whole human species, they are not as smart as I hope they could be. And think long term – centuries, not just to the next “click bait”.
Filed as (All organizations can make one lunar civilization, stop wasting money on useless “brag”)
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation
Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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