Black hole volumes, densities, room for many stable orbits

Global Data: Black Hole Size in Perspective at

Thank you for that. But suggest you add the big bang region as well. It is essentially an open black hole. Look at the volume per solar mass of each of these you listed. A region can be unconsolidated and still be “black” trapping light. My personal feeling is that the Universe (capitalized) is infinite, and the big bang region is just a black holes region that had what I would call a “gluon condensation” nova. Big but not a singularity and likely fragmented, not a singularity. So much old material was recycled. Look at “Observable universe” on wikipedia and make your own guesses. My first full time job was a scientific programmer for a three letter agency in 1970 tracking all things in orbit. Then over the years UT Austin and UMD College Park, NASA and other things I kept bumping into astrophysics again and again.

I have to look at ALL knowledge on the Internet the lastt 26 years, and there are lots of opinions and effort on every conceivable thing. So my number 1 rule is “do not leave anything out”, then “keep it fair and open” and “be flexible and as complete as possible”. You are gathering the numbers and data and sizes of things. I will try to look at more of what you are doing. I made a table with the volume of the black holes and the number of solar volumes inside these black hole regions. If you ever see the orbits of things outside the black holes a lot of closed stable and metastable orbits of black hole and neutron density objects can orbit, unconsolidated inside the region. Gravity can get out even if light cannot. I keep waiting for groups to start noticing high frequency (MHz, GHz, THz ) gravitational signals from black holes and from areas that seem empty. You need tensor and small gradient detectors. But there are lots of groups who are making them, just not making a lot of noise themselves.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation


Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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