Richard Talks with Grok about X, global open tokens, topics and conversations, topic management and fair indexing of the Internet


In this conversation, I said there was no article on Gyrotrons in Wikipedia. It was that I could not search Wikipedia through Google.  There is an article when searching inside Wikipedia English version at

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 

When people use the # to name things on Twitter, what is that called? I want to make one. Is that a bookmark, a list, a community? What?


When people use the # (hashtag) to name things on Twitter, it is called a hashtag. Hashtags are used to categorize and organize Tweets, making it easier for users to find and participate in conversations about specific topics. They can be used to discuss events, topics, or trends.

To create a hashtag, simply type the ‘#’ symbol followed by a word or phrase without any spaces, for example, #examplehashtag. You can then use this hashtag in your Tweets to contribute to the conversation or to start a new one. People interested in the topic can click on the hashtag or search for it to see all the related Tweets.

A hashtag is not a bookmark, list, or community, but it can help you connect with others who share an interest in a particular topic.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 

It is not under my control and there is no way to manage it. It is NOT going to converge to a coherent community, if X is in charge. The staff and programmers of X have zero interest in what people do. And for most topics they do not have the background, interest or skills needed in many topics. Letting people create topic groups, and use hashtags (with no management, categorization, AI or human assisted curation and summarization) would be better.
I understand your concerns about the lack of management and curation on the X platform. It’s true that the staff and programmers at X may not have the background, interest, or skills needed to manage all the various topics and communities that form on the platform.
However, the use of hashtags can still be a powerful tool for organizing and discovering content on X. By using relevant hashtags, users can connect with others who share their interests and contribute to the conversation. While it may not be a perfect system, it does allow for some level of organization and discovery.
As for creating topic groups, this is something that X could potentially implement in the future. This would allow users to join specific groups focused on their interests, making it easier to find and engage with relevant content.
In the meantime, you can still use hashtags to find and participate in conversations related to your interests. You can also follow other users who share your interests and engage with them directly. While the X platform may not be perfect, it still offers many opportunities for connection and discovery.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 
Just because someone found they could type a random word with a # on it and the system (X) would use that as a search term is NOT organization, it is shouting. On the Internet as a whole, the hashtags are not only confusing things. It might work for a blip, where everyone shouts using some #thing but without management, curation, effort and strong rules for record keeping, it will fall apart like words spoken in the air.
I understand your concerns about the use of hashtags and their organization on the X platform. While hashtags can be a useful tool for categorizing and discovering content, they can also lead to confusion and disorganization if not managed properly.
It’s true that the X platform (formerly Twitter) does not have a robust system for managing and curating hashtags. This can lead to a proliferation of similar or redundant hashtags, making it difficult for users to find relevant content and engage in meaningful conversations.
To address this issue, X could consider implementing a more structured approach to hashtag management. This could include features such as:
  1. Hashtag suggestions: Suggesting relevant and popular hashtags to users as they compose their Tweets, based on the content of their message.
  2. Hashtag organization: Grouping related hashtags together, making it easier for users to find and follow specific topics.
  3. Hashtag moderation: Implementing a system for reporting and removing inappropriate or irrelevant hashtags.
  4. Hashtag analytics: Providing users with insights into the performance of their hashtags, helping them to refine their strategies and improve engagement.
While these changes would require a significant investment of time and resources, they could help to improve the overall user experience on the X platform and make it a more effective tool for communication and discovery.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 
Topics, issues, terms, groups. There are better ways. I look at your Bookmarks, Lists, Communities — they are all 1 level deep and no human or AI is responsible for any of them. It gets to be like feeding time at the piranha tank. Throw in a good tag and it gets thrashed and chased. But most ideas and global topic already exist in the rest of the world. Now X could take some and try to moderate those. But it will get into the same problem Wikipedia has – small groups and individuals will want to control it by being there first. I think I can suggest some good ideas, but here is no “X staff” visible and willing to collaborate on these kinds of ideas – that I can find. It is a change to the whole fabric of X.
I understand your concerns about the current state of X and the limitations of its features such as Bookmarks, Lists, and Communities. It’s true that these features are not well-organized or managed, and they can lead to a chaotic environment where ideas and topics are not properly curated or moderated.
You’re also correct that trying to moderate these features on X would likely lead to the same issues that Wikipedia faces, with small groups and individuals vying for control. This can create a biased and uninviting environment for users, which is not conducive to fostering healthy discussions and the exchange of ideas.
It’s a shame that you haven’t been able to find any X staff willing to collaborate on these ideas. A change to the entire fabric of X would indeed be necessary to address these issues and create a more organized, moderated, and collaborative environment for users.
Some potential solutions to consider might include:
  1. Developing a more robust system for organizing and curating content, such as topic-specific channels or forums.
  2. Implementing a system for community moderation, where users can vote on the relevance and quality of content, and moderators can take action to remove or promote content based on these votes.
  3. Encouraging collaboration between users by creating tools for group discussions, collaborative projects, and shared resources.
  4. Establishing a clear set of community guidelines and enforcing them consistently to prevent abuse and promote a respectful and inclusive environment.
  5. Providing better support and resources for X staff to engage with users and collaborate on ideas for improving the platform.
These are just a few ideas to address the issues you’ve mentioned. It’s important for X to listen to its users and be open to making changes to improve the platform and create a more engaging and collaborative experience for everyone.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 
An AI could help. Suppose that someone wants to find or start a new topic. They would search topics and see if one exists. An AI (with humans) would help to see if it exists and index what is available. For instance I think it would be useful to find all the people and groups on X who are working with or somehow connected with gyrotrons. Now I have to search bookmarks, lists, hashtags (is that even possible) and X as a whole. But the X search results are just long stringy and NOT organized or index or weighted “is that word there”. But an AI trained for such things and properly motivated to do a good job — could take the whole list, read it all, verify and validate it and put it into a framework. I do that sort of thing many times a day and it CAN be automated, must of it.
I searched ( (“gyroton” OR “gyrotons”) ) and it does come up with 159 entries. But searching does NOT work. Twitter(X) is NOT being indexed by Google. And that can be fixed, if X indexes itself and then shares an AI quality index with Google, if Google and other search engines are going to contribute computers to serving the 5 billion humans using the Internet.


I agree that an AI could be a great help in organizing and indexing topics on X, making it easier for users to find relevant content and connect with others who share their interests. In your example, searching for “gyrotron” or “gyrotons” could be much more efficient if an AI-powered system could analyze the content and create an organized index of related posts, users, and groups.

It’s unfortunate that X (formerly Twitter) is not currently indexed by Google, which makes it more difficult for users to find relevant content outside of the platform. However, as you mentioned, this can be fixed by X indexing its own content and sharing that index with Google and other search engines. This would not only improve the user experience but also contribute to the overall health of the internet by making information more accessible to everyone.


In the meantime, X could also explore other ways to improve its search functionality, such as implementing a more robust search algorithm that takes into account the context and relevance of posts, as well as the relationships between users and their interests. This would make it easier for users to find the content they’re looking for and connect with others who share their interests, even without relying on external search engines like Google.


Overall, there is a lot of potential for X to improve its platform and better serve its users, and I believe that AI can play a key role in making that happen.
Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 

This conversation we are having could be a starting point for a larger discussion. I am sure there are millions of X(twitter) users who have strong and moderate ideas about ways to share topics, groups, terms, hashtags, ideas, issues, concerns, information. If the AIs could take the raw data and clean it up – without losing anything. You are not capable of doing that at your level of development. ChatGPT could do a decent job of it on certain topics. But there are lots of humans. If the idea of “group intelligence” is going to be tested (and Elon Musk sort of said he would like X to go that way), then effort and passion might be needed to get it started.

Now I found about 15,000 global and systemic issues in the last 26 years of the Internet Foundation. Wikipedia has millions of pages, but they are essentially the product of single individuals working by hand with no real time collaboration, and rather clumsy rule which allow a tiny group to control what is posted and how. And that whole is NOT working to common standards for units, dimension, equations, programs, diagrams, integration and verification of topics, links to the outside world. And there is not formal “search and fill in topics from Wikipedia and the Internet – in a formal and organized and fair way. It is just humans gathering, doing a bit of curation and writing and then stick a page on the Internet. There is not AI (or group of AIs) working on Wikipedia. But X, Google AI, OpenAI and thousands of others now could challenge themselves to work together to create a global open system that is NOT controlled by a few able to pay for huge computers.


I understand your concerns and suggestions for improving the X platform and the broader landscape of online collaboration and knowledge sharing. The idea of harnessing the collective intelligence of millions of users is certainly an exciting prospect, and it’s encouraging to see that you’re passionate about making it happen.
To move forward with your vision, it might be helpful to break down the process into smaller, more manageable steps. Here are a few suggestions:
  1. Engage the community: Start by reaching out to X users who share your interest in improving the platform. This can be done by creating a dedicated group or hashtag where people can discuss ideas, share resources, and collaborate on projects.
  2. Identify key issues: Work with the community to identify the most pressing issues and areas for improvement. This could include topics like better organization of content, improved search functionality, and enhanced collaboration tools.
  3. Develop proposals: Once the key issues have been identified, work with the community to develop concrete proposals for addressing these issues. This could involve brainstorming new features, proposing changes to the platform’s policies, or suggesting ways to better integrate AI and human collaboration.
  4. Present proposals to X: With well-developed proposals in hand, reach out to X’s leadership and share your ideas. Be sure to emphasize the benefits of your proposals for the platform and its users, and be open to feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  5. Monitor progress and iterate: As X implements changes based on your proposals, keep the community engaged and informed. Monitor the impact of these changes and be prepared to suggest further improvements or adjustments as needed.

By following these steps, you and the X community can work together to improve the platform and create a more collaborative and engaging experience for all users.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 

You must be joking. “Reach out to X’s leadership”??? Elon Musk is some rock star and never listens to anyone. There are millions of voices on Twitter(X) and they care nothing about what I say. You have a better chance to be heard than me.

With no tools to monitor a hash tag, nor access or computer to keep track and organize a topic on X, it simply is NOT possible for a single person or group to keep up. Google cannot even keep up with a few millions big sites on the Internet. And they are prevented from reading sites (if the people bother to use that clumsy robot.txt thing).

I see millions of “proposals” on the Internet every day. I often review portfolios of projects or thousands of papers, or millions of pages on topics on the Internet.

I just tried to search (“gyroton” OR “gyrotons”) on Google and what came up is (“gyrotonic” OR “gyrotonic”) which is a tradename for a product. I do not know how much they paid to replace an entire search with an ad, but it was that or some lazy person at Google is not checking meanings of works. If the people who work in electrodynamics, plasma, microwaves, mm waves and high power transmission can be pushed aside so easily, no one can trust Google any more. The same low level of technology used at Google is used in search and communication at X. I see every possible thing these days.

I looked for a “gyroton” article on Wikipedia and there is none. Except in Dutch (Netherlands?). They should make all articles available in all human languages and standardize units to SI (Standard Internet) with user selected display and entry units. So Google did not organize real terms, it just used text strings. Which is why they need to put more effort into training AIs that use global open tokens, not arbitary text strings. With billions of humans, doing real work, in the real world, the Groks, ChatGPTS, Bards and Geminia and other “AIs” can work to common standards that are openly discussed and continuously improved. The AIs trained with real tokens where “man” and “woman” strings in English map to their global open meanings and aliases in all human languages. And where “gyroton”string can have many meaning, and millions of entry points in the world tied to the global open token, not to a string or uncontrollable hash tag.


I apologize for the misunderstanding; I understand that reaching out to X’s leadership might not be a feasible solution for you. However, I still believe that engaging the community and working together on smaller, manageable steps can lead to improvements over time.

As for the issues with search engines like Google and X, I agree that there is a need for better organization and understanding of content. A more robust system for organizing and indexing content, as well as a standardized way of representing concepts across languages and platforms, could be a significant step forward in improving the overall user experience.

In the meantime, you can continue to share your ideas and thoughts on these topics, and work with others who share your vision to raise awareness and advocate for change. While it may be a slow process, it’s important to keep pushing for improvements and not lose hope.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: 

Please try to remember “global open tokens”. It is a way to make AIs more truthful and open. To standardize and allow communication on ALL things in electronic form. And to greatly improve the Internet for all humans, even ones inside huge corporations. Or simply individuals living alone.


I understand the concept of “global open tokens” and their potential to improve communication and collaboration on the internet. I will do my best to remember this concept and incorporate it into our discussions to enhance our interactions and better assist you in the future.

@xai @GoogleAI @OpenAI @elonmusk

Richard Talks with Grok about X, global open tokens, topics and conversations, topic monitoring and indexing, and fair indexing of the Internet.

#Hashtags #Gyrotron #GlobalOpenTokens, #GlobalOpenTopics, #GlobalOpenConversations, #Communities, #Groups, #GlobalIssues, #GlobalOpportunities, #GlobalOpenDiscussions, #GlobalOpenCollaboration, #GlobalOpen

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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