Space and solar system colonization

Acceleron Aerospace

I checked your site and company a bit. You are just getting started and need to put more effort into your websites. At check your console error messages. Your supporter image is missing and many others.

I have been working mostly on Twitter for building communities and testing groups. I posted a note about black hole close binaries, dark matter, and black hole novas today.

The file you found it out of date and I have gone far beyond that. You might look for where I have been encouraging groups like the Indian space program and SpaceX to replace their booster stages with Earth surface field generators that lift and accelerate the second stage to mission height and speed, and that can catch and place the returning missions and bulk shipments without need for engines or fuels. The SpaceX units is about 36 two GW generators for a few minutes. Booster stages are the most costly part. There are more efficient atomic and nuclear methods for space.

With AIs that remember and index what they do, and hard work, most these kinds of thins can be routine.

I have spent most of 2023 working with the AI companies trying to get them to work together and to try more challenging problems – than just more chats and playthings. Solar system colonization is one.

I have talked to a few groups in India, and my advice to all of them is for them to get serious about helping everyone in the country, not just pushing a few or fighting among yourselves. Running a country, or a city, or a global corporation, or a heliospheric project for all humanity is the same level of difficulty – you get started, lay out the plan, make it open and then keep at it. When you find difficulties, you find everyone in the world who is already working on solutions for that, and you help them. It is not hard, just a bit tedious. Most groups do not keep a clear focus and almost all only work for and care about themselves.

I am not giving up on you, but want to see some progress first. Start by showing your team and their backgrounds. An open journal and open collaboration site will grow much faster than “pay to publish” and closed methods.

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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