Twitter: Deep Mind – examine priorities

Google DeepMind @GoogleDeepMind Generating videos from text is challenging due to:
📈 High computational cost
📉 Limited quantities of high quality text-video data
📹 Variable videos lengths

Here’s how the team addressed these issues when developing Phenaki:
Replying to @GoogleDeepMind

Feed the hungry, train the jobless, comfort the helpless and lonely ones, watch out for dangers, summarize videos, index, fulfill, explore, encourage, reduce waste and fraud, open knowledge for all 8 Billions humans. Examine priorities.


I did not have enough characters to say And IBM is an organization with great potential it is not fulfilling in the world. Perhaps an AI looking at the whole can be a mirror for them to see what they could be doing. Same with UN.Org.

I did not have enough characters to say and org. IBM is an organization with great potential it is not fulfilling in the world. Perhaps AIs looking at the whole can be a mirror for them to see what they could be doing. Same with UN.Org.

I did not have enough characters to say and org. IBM is an organization with great potential it is not fulfilling in the world. Perhaps AIs looking at their whole can be a mirror for IBM to see what they could be doing. Same with UN.Org.

I did not have enough characters to say and org. IBM is an organization with great potential it is not fulfilling in the world. Perhaps AIs looking at their “whole” can be a mirror for IBM to see what they could be doing. Same with UN.Org.

I used IBM as an example of a complex organization that can be optimized, to a great extent, from the outside.  Its knowledge is partly shown on the website.  ALL COMs should also have ORGs, to fullfill global responsibilities, not just tax loopholes and empty phrases.

I did not have enough characters to tweet and  Most of the COMs with ORGs, the ORG is an empty promise or plaything – at global scale.  I was not impresssed with movies of teddy bears and astronauts.  I would much rather have seen mathematical equations, or clear instructions on things that affect billions of humans.  Not just playthings for rich companies, paying a lot for people to work on click bait topics.  Google has great potential, but it does not think large enough, except to enrich itself.  “We can do this ___ for lots of people” “How much can we get from that?”

Richard K Collins

About: Richard K Collins

Director, The Internet Foundation Studying formation and optimized collaboration of global communities. Applying the Internet to solve global problems and build sustainable communities. Internet policies, standards and best practices.

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