Month: September 2024

Is there a global library of these mechanisms in open format that can be converted into real devices?

Is there a global library of these mechanism in open format that can be converted into real devices? The Video: My Comment: I see this and think: That converts rotary to linear (vibrational) motion. And it can convert it back,maybe. But there must by thousands of ways to do it mechanically and this is
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Experiments can be global, learners of all ages can work together with real data no one place can afford

Experiments can be global, learners of all ages can work together with real data no one place can afford [ I commented on Facebook Reel and sharing it here ] When I was going to college, I barely had enough money to eat, so I got a job as a test subject in a
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Red Singlet Oxygen reaction video comment – My life story about gravitational energy density, fusion, magnetic dipole strong and weak forces

Comment on Action Lab at My Comment: Thank you for sharing. I have never seen a video of that chemical reaction before with the intense red. For an earth to orbit lift scenario, (SpaceX) I designed a system with many 2 GigaWatt storage units, each that has to produce for about 5 minutes (300
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Why are humans looking more cynically at old universities and closed organizations?

Liberato Manna  @MannaLiberato The number & quality of applicants for PhD positions worldwide is dropping, according to what I hear from colleagues from many institutions (& my personal experience). We need to reverse this trend with 1) higher stipends; 2) better career prospects; 3) higher quality of training Replying to @MannaLiberato Why are humans looking
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Quick review of Michel Geovanni Santiago-Martínez on the Internet

@GeoSantiagoM at Quick review of Michel Geovanni Santiago-Martínez on the Internet Geo, I looked at your activities, posts and interests.  Your page at You might want to link there as well as your department from your Twitter(X) page. None of your publications is “open access”. Links to abstract pages is better than nothing at
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Poorest County in the United States – Have they learned how to live efficiently on less? My Comment: What is the county in the US with the lowest cost of living? Where people can live (hopefully not miserable lives) for less than $20,000 per person per year? Is that right? Is it also a good place to live? Poor is relative. Maybe the questions should be “Why are all the
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moving things with acceleration fields

Action Lab Using Sound as a fire extinquisher Yes, this works for acoustics, for electromagnetics, for electrons, for ions, for sprays, bullets, and randomly placed array sources. Impulse response. Use it to move most anything. Use doppler scans, then push red and pull blue or the opposite. The only reason you can do this
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You would be better to build an accurate map of the Internet

Max Lenormand @MaxLenormand  Meet the man who wants to build a 20cm, 3D map of the world All with lots of small satellites, like a *lot* of them.  We go deep in the engineering weeds, how to map the world so accurately & how to build a company around it Full interview: Replying to @MaxLenormand
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Why doesn’t the United States need to train lots of mathematicians? Why don’t Americans memorize a lot of mathematics in school?

Why do Asian kids outperform Western kids in math? | by Malcolm Gladwell at   Why don’t Americans memorize a lot of mathematics in school? by Richard Collins Mostly kids in the United States are not expected to do anything. About one in a thousand who do put in effort is enough to solve
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Do not flatter groups who are trying to sell unverifiable systems. Do not promote or trust them

Thomas Wolf @Thom_Wolf  still quite crazy how Anthropic leap-frogged everyone when they released Sonnet 3.5 a few months ago a model completely ahead of its time. we still have zero idea what special tricks they used to train it source: ARC-AGI evaluation of the new openai o1 Replying to @Thom_Wolf Do not flatter
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