Category: All knowledge

The world needs complete, dynamic, anticipatory tools and methods, where speed matters

Prof Van Buren: Intro to compressible flow [Aerodynamics #17] at Bad handwriting, use a computer. There are about 5.4 Billion people using the Internet now. Step up your presentations to match, not down to a hypothetical or organization driven “captive class room”. Your visualization are decent, but lack substantially because your drawing skills are
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KeV and MeV bonds for storing electricity, energy and strength

Art Berman @aeberman12  Natural gas combined cycle is cheaper than wind and solar with backup based on Lazard’s 2024 levelized cost of energy No way to get away from natural gas or coal for peak demand periods at present #energy #EnergyTransition #ClimateActionNow #renewables #NetZero #EnergyStorage Replying to @aeberman12 The energy stored in “chemical bonds”
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Many “AI” companies are cheating everyone by not doing a good job of remembering essential details

Roger Grosse @RogerGrosse  Amortized variational inference is neither amortized nor variational nor inference.… Jonathan Pillow @jpillowtime Amortize means to “to pay off a debt with regular payments” But in amortized inference you pay a big up-front cost to train an inference network, then inference is cheap per datapoint. Isn’t that the opposite of amortization?
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All human languages, all domains, all devices – global open resources for all humans

All human languages, all domains, all places, all devices – global open resources for all humans Computer memory and processors changed the face of human navigation in cities, so too can it change the face of navigation through fragmented and Byzantine sets of rules for every discipline and topic. It is not only memory devices
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Would “supervised wars” always devolve into bitter and uncontrolled violence?

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation: This is a bit of an odd question, but I mean it seriously. What would people think of “Olympic war games”? Rather than ad hoc wars and armed conflicts like Israal Palestine, or Ukraine Russia, or dozens of countries having armed conflicts. Suppose wars were supervised and controlled. Part of
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Modular GigaWatt units only have to store and deliver for a few minutes

Military Affairs: US Tests Its Monstrously Powerful Laser Carrier To Beat Hypersonic Missiles at For SpaceX type earth to orbit and orbit to earth field generators, many modular 2 GigaWatt units only have to store and deliver for a few minutes, so they can be small and if some fail, sufficient backup is available.
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Arrays for all frequencies and modulations gravitational signal surveys for astrophysics and civilizations

Dear SETI, Looking at the whole Internet, and the potential of true AIs to allow systems to essentially live forever, I realized that exploration and development of galaxies is likely the norm, not the exception in the universe. An evolved natural lifeform might well develop systems that record all knowledge and process it. The system
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Performance based accounting works pretty well if you do it completely and never forget anything

owl @owl_poster  Things I learned talking to the new breed of scientific institution A deep dive on the vibes of scientific institutions I’ve been curious about.  9 weeks in the making 4.1k words, 19 minutes reading time Replying to @owl_poster I found this interesting. This kind of analysis is what I have been doing
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It is relatively easy to teach even the dumb AIs now, how to solve any current problem, and any job. ANY

Simple Pendulum Hamiltonian Equation | Hamilton Equation | bsc 5th semester physics Shane Sir at There are about 5.4 Billion humans using the Internet now, and many of them can understand English and mathematics and physics. Do you know your viewers? Do you know how many places Hamiltonians, Lagrangians and principle of least action
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Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources

Fusion for SpaceX levitation, industrial and space needs. Global open tokens and global open resources   I was reading today and encouraged. While the economics of bulk electricity production are not particularly favorable, there are many new transportation, industrial and space applications where GigaWatt and larger power modules are needed.   For instance to
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