Category: All Languages

Knowledge should be recorded, open, lossless and immediately accessible to all humans

Mysteries of Missing Galaxies Solved! at Do you remember when you were a baby and your parents played peek-a-boo? Quickly gets boring. Only so much surprise can be squeezed from “I hid something. Here is is!!”. I don’t want explanations, just data and tools. Not filtered or hoarded. Filed as (Knowledge should be recorded,
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Many good things go unrecorded, and unshared

Zhigang Suo @zhigangsuo  Knowles Lecture and Caltech Solid Mechanics Symposium Friday, 31 May 2024, 9:00am, 135 Gates-Thomas I will begin with a lecture titled, Topology and chemistry determine mechanical properties of polymers Followed by young mechanicians at Caltech— Replying to @zhigangsuo It seems this is only open to people who happen to live nearby. I
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Collaborating openly at global scale with lossless methods might be sufficient

Google DeepMind @GoogleDeepMind “We have entered an age where a single human mind cannot comprehend the data that we are gathering about the universe.”   Our VP Research for Science @pushmeet joined @a16z to discuss how AI can help scientists and others with new insights. Listen now ↓ Replying to @GoogleDeepMind @pushmeet and @a16z
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Lets just try it, without thinking too deeply, is not a good idea

Chenxin Li, PhD ( @ChenxinLi2 A related mood is “find the answer first, worry about the specific questions later.” It might sound counter intuitive, but very productive when it comes to genomics research. Replying to @ChenxinLi2Yes, it is called “cherry picking”. In new fields there is lots of low hanging fruit. Groups find things that
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When true AIs are certified for human work, humans will have to be re-engineered

You are not wrong, but all human skills can be replaced, with enough time and effort.  And true AIs can work 24/7, never forget, communicate globally and optimize continuously.  And many jobs now for humans only require humans because slow procedures are allowed. AI-AI lossless communication and perfect memories will put many humans out of
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NIST employee considers Internet users “too stupid to understand, why share?”

I am reading and downloaded the program. But it has no verified publisher information in the install for windows so it is treated as insecure by Windows. This looks like it was produced in 2010 or so and the security and sharing policies have changed a lot in the last two years, let alone
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It is fields and models all the way down

Journal of Fluid Mechanics @JFluidMech Read the latest #JFMPerspectives article in @JFluidMech: “Onsager’s ‘ideal turbulence’ theory” by Gregory Eyink #JFM #OA Replying to @JFluidMech Gregory, Thank you for sharing, particularly the history. My notes to myself will only mean something to me, but I want to leave them in this note so I
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