Category: All Languages

There are sustainable solutions, but more is needed in regions when properity attracts human wolves

Andrew Millison: How Farmers Reshaped a Region and Solved Drought at Beautiful planning and vision. I hope you might help Bangladesh and India manage their floods with interconnected plans that look at water management, not borders. All the deserts of the world can be recovered and carefully monitored. But you will have to protect
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Get life-and-death serious about systemic things, including food and sharing all human knowledge

Niko McCarty @NikoMcCarty  The whole notion of “Write, Read, Edit” as some great driver of progress in biology is incredibly misguided. Yes, DNA sequencing and synthesis costs have fallen rapidly. What have we gotten for it? The vast majority of strains we make don’t work, because we don’t understand the Replying to @NikoMcCarty The
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Work harder, share real data, lower the cost of entry, mastery and application

Nima Dehghani @neurovium Hosting Gaute @GauteEinevoll today @mcgovernmit Folks from @mcgovernmit @MIT_Physics @MIT_Picower who are interested in modeling & analysis of multiscale electrical signals come see Gaute’s talk  “Modeling electric brain signals” check his recent book Replying to @neurovium @GauteEinevoll and 3 others The problem is not modeling, it is measuring, recording losslessly,
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All disciplines working 24/7 to save and share their best knowledge – global open verifiable accessible

UMN Plant Breeding Center @UMNplantbreed  Want to try your skills as a breeder? Join other graduate students to play The Plant Breeding Game! See how well you compete as a breeder amongst other teams. Snacks and drinks are provided by the UMN Plant Breeding Center. Contact for more information! Replying to @UMNplantbreed Why
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Mathematics is still run by people who only work on paper, in their groups, for themselves

Baran Hashemi @Rythian47  How can we teach Transformers to learn and model Enumerative geometry? How deep can AI go in the rabbit hole of understanding complex mathematical concepts? We’ve developed a new approach using Transformers to compute psi-class intersection numbers in algebraic geometry. Replying to @Rythian47 Enumerative geometry is not “all mathematics”. On the
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100s of millions of heat deaths, 100s of trillions in economic losses, and the frog begins to twitch

John Lindsey @PGE_John  Our son Sean has been stationed with the U.S. Navy in Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. He mentioned that the humid heat there is almost indescribable, with dew points reaching the 90s. In other words, sweat doesn’t evaporate, making it nearly impossible for the body to cool down.… Colin McCarthy @US_Stormwatch
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Where does Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology fit into global human knowledge? Taejun Kim,   I thought you were asking for approaches to time management and setting priorities. Your question showed up on my time line. Probably because of things I write, work on, or follow. I turned 75 this year, and it seems like a time to set priorities and review. We only get a
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Work hard, at a sustainable pace, where you remember as much as possible, and what it means

Taejun Kim @taejunkim_13 Hey HCI community, Is there anyone who set their own limits, like hours you spend in a day when running user studies? (e.g. keeping it under 7-8 hours to avoid burnout) If you got any personal rules that you’ve been following, I wanna know! Replying to @taejunkim_13 I have worked alone every
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Symplectic, Simplectic takes a lot more work than its “simple” suggests

Frank Nielsen @FrnkNlsn  Nice thread Jonathan Gorard @getjonwithit  In physics, one often thinks of space and time as being fundamental, pre-existing concepts, and proceeds to define everything else (energy, momentum, forces, etc.) in terms of them. But it doesn’t need to be so – symplectic geometry shows us how to go the other way. (1/16)
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