Category: Assistive Technologies

Tweet to Ryan French to link his pretty solar movies to their source data

Dr. Ryan French @RyanJFrench On the edge of the Sun, active region 13386 continues to put on a show! It released an M5 #SolarFlare earlier today (which would have been higher if not partially-occulted), blasting away a high altitude filament from the loop system! #astronomy #spaceweather Ryan, Could you carefully post links to your source
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University of Maine, Climate Change Institute, Climate Reanalyzer I like your Climate Reanalyzer plots and downloads. I see codes in the sheets for the models, but I am not that familiar with all the abbreviations and acronyms. And it is not clear to me how 5 billion people using the Internet now can view, let alone interact with the models in meaningful
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Richard Chats with OpenAI GPT4 about Wikipedia, democratization, global open internet policies, cookies

I am talking with OpenAI ChatGPT Plus 4.0 about  Wikipedia, all human knowledge, fairness, random surveys, Google, human based systems that are not open and verifiable, “democratization”, Internet policies, the role of AIs in human society and our future. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Richard: I am doing a random survey of pages on Wikipedia.
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Richard Chats with OpenAI GPT 4.0 about permanent synchronous stations over the sun, creating new challenges

I want observing stations near the sun to monitor it closely and continuously. Sunlight so close, might as well gather some into “atomic fuel”. Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation Richard: The earth has a specific distance and velocity for “geosynchronous” satellites. What is the radius and velocity of a solar synchronous orbit for a satellite
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Comment on the solar “Streamer Belt”, NASA, MHD Simulations, MHDWeb in mostly inaccessible forms

“Global MHD Simulations of the Time-Dependent Corona” at Robert, I am reading “Global MHD Simulations of the Time-Dependent Corona” that you, Roberto Lionello, and Viacheslav Titov wrote. The links you have at the top “NASA Grant NNX14AH71G” and “Streamer Belt” go to a ResearchGate page that says projects are no longer supported. I managed
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Richard Answers a question about zero gravitational acceleration, nanogravity, synthetic acceleration fields

Is there any space with zero gravity in the Universe? by Chinnaraji Annamalai, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Richard: The gravitational potential fills all of space. The earth, sun, moon, planets all have their own potential that adds to this. The total potential from all masses in the universe adds to roughly c^2 =
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Richard Chats with Google Bard about Global Open Collaborative Worksites, Chest X-rays, and Google Methods

Setting up Global Validation Networks for Machine assisted Medical Diagnoses and “AI” Algorithms Victor Ikechukwu Agughasi at Maharaja Institute of Technology What makes a Computer Science Ph.D. thesis stand out? Not yet answered Asked 2 days ago I just completed a draft copy of my thesis, but I still do not feel that it
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