Category: Electromagnetic Gravitational Field

Comment on Building a Digital Magnetic Levitation Platform! video Fairly certain there is not enough information from one magnetic sensor to uniquely determine the position and orientation of the floating magnet. Once you actually measure the position and orientation of the levitated mass, its magnetic field, and the shapes of the supporting field. Then it is much easier. Do you think those rockets
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Note to SETI – Is anyone searching the gravitational signals?

When I was at the University of Maryland at College Park in the late 1970’s I met Joe Weber and Charles Misner and others who were starting gravitational wave detection. So I have followed it over the years. I think it very unlikely that aliens would be using the very narrow band of electromagnetic signals
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Houston Astronomical Society Presentation by Noah Pearson on 28 Jan 2022 – comments and suggestions

Luis, This was a good presentation.  On Vimeo, watching reruns, no way to say “Thank you to the presenter” or to ask questions. We live in a world where any author’s work might be available globally for all time forward.  And, it they are living, the small matter of “time” it taken care of by
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Comment on Earthquake Seismograph Using Bismuth Magnetic Levitator – about state of the art in low cost gravitational detector arrays

Earthquake seismograph using bismuth magnetic levitator as sensor at Tomislav Stimac, The “standard” still for accelerometers is the small but global network of super conducting gravimeters (SGs). They use liquid helium cooled niobium magnetically levitated spheres as the test mass. The sensitivity is about 0.1 nanometers per second squared (nm/s2) at 1 sample per second.
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Comment on “Ion Engine 2.0” – many people interested, and posting things, but not working together globally

Ion Engine 2.0 at (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 574,000 entry points (Google, 9 Oct 2021) (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 310 entry points (“electric wind” OR “ionic wind”) has 141,000 entry points And they are not all working together globally. Richard Collins, Director, The Internet Foundation

Generating synthetic gravitational fields

Teri, I was doing a quick study on “color from structure” and related concepts.  The colors of butterfly wings are often not pigments in the traditional sense, but emergent colors because of the shapes of the molecules. What clicked in my mind is that the sub wavelength structures (the structures that produce the rather large
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Looking for low cost linear arrays of photosensors, maybe contact image sensor arrays

Jean, I want to find a contact image sensor CIS that has high dots per inch, large color depth (bits per pixel color) and fast speed (lines per second). I need three of them, and don’t know where to buy the parts. I just started looking and found that the mobile document scanners (Brother) seem
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Inertial drives need precise and addressable impulse response functions

Two Scientists Are Building a Real Star Trek Impulse Engine The software defined radios SDRs can transmit as well as receive. Most importantly the software for efficient FFT tracking and display is fairly well developed, so measuring and tracking the impulse response function from microHertz to GigaHertz is not so expensive. A solid, or
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Thermodynamic Clocks – Time reversible systems, quality, gravitational detectors, solar system coordination

Shawn, Thank you for thinking of me, and sharing. The gravitational energy density (and the usually much smaller magnetic, electric and thermodynamic energy densities) control the rate of chemical, atomic and nuclear events at any location.  The most often used phenomena are “gravitational time dilation”, “relativistic or general relativistic corrections (from velocity and gravity)”.  An
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Plans for measuring the speed of gravity again, using superconducting gravimeter and related sensor networks

One linear regression is all that is needed to useg JPL Ephemeris to separate the sun moon from earth-based signals I want to repeat the SG network speed of gravity measurement I did in 2003 using all the current stations. I will also use the best of the broadband seismometers from Any absolute measurements,
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