Category: Atomic Fuels

Peter Higgs Boson – for heliospheric industrial applications

Robert Garisto @RobertGaristo  Here is text and equation (2b) where Peter Higgs described his boson in his 1964 @PhysRevLett (free to read) Replying to @RobertGaristo and @PhysRevLett This would have been much more useful it if was available to me in 1966. And now, in symbolic math format, rather than pixels on the
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Use Atomic and Nuclear fuels on Mars and Moon and “out there”

Time Travelers Clup?  Artificial intelligence solved the oxygen problem on Mars at Running calculations for a set of chemical reactions to search for yields and economics is what chemists, particularly those working at global or heliospheric scale, do. Ask a chatbot to run a program with data is not intelligence on the part of
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Neutrons can readily bind by magnetic dipole force to each other, and to other magnetic dipoles.

MIT Physics @MIT_Physics MIT researchers discover “neutronic molecules” @ScienceMIT Replying to @MIT_Physics and @ScienceMIT Neutrons can readily bind by magnetic dipole force to each other, and to other magnetic dipoles. Then look for electron clusters and proton clusters in places like neutron stars, collisions, high energy density, black hole regions. Many are observable now
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Ampere’s Law is not difficult, get the computer to help, pace yourself, never give up

Ampere’s Law: Please do not say “It gets very complicated, very quickly”. Rather say, “It will take several or many steps, but none of them are impossible, or even that difficult. Faced with many steps just pace yourself and do not give up.” Please do not say things to elicit feelings of hopelessness. Or
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Sensors and processors capable of learning, remembering and sharing globally – “eyes for AIs”, moles of pixels

Lucy, I was just going over the potential impact of having memory and algorithms integrated directly with different kinds of sensors, where the whole is responsive to the needs of global society and all individuals – both human and true AIs. I expect picoMeter capabilities, it is just a matter of time. As the many
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Magnetic binding – atomic structures, isotope reaction energies, atomic fuels and hyper strong materials

FermiLab: How do magnets work? at When two electrons or two protons are compressed together, the 1/r^3 magnetic energy (positive when magnetic dipoles attract) and the 1/r Coulomb energy (negative when the electric charges repel) can reach a minimum when they are at nuclear distances. Two electrons (Cooper pairs) or two protons (occurs inside
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inorganic (electron bonded) and isotope (nuclear magnetic bonded) sequencing

Gencove @Gencove In our latest blog, @joe_pickrell asks what happens when sequencing data becomes “too cheap to meter”? Speculating on the coming sequencing industry changes, Joe shares his four predictions for what things could look like in 2034. Read more now: Replying to @Gencove and @joe_pickrell Focus now on global scale manufacturing of
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